Friday, February 1, 2013


This was the sky early this morning as I left the camper.
Morning skies are truly gorgeous!

Louis Dean and I went over to Quadville together arriving before 8 am.
We had a really good day!
Amber is making huge progress in her recovery!
She's even managed to leave the house for a little while the last few days.
It is SO good to see her feeling better!

I have some cute pics from yesterday......

Logan is learning to drive!

Baby in a Basket, anyone?

Kailey is already planning her escape from the corral!

The Texas weather was perfect this afternoon!
Hard to believe it is February 1st!
We took sturdy denim quilts outside so we could all enjoy the sunshine and fresh air!
I snapped this pic from inside the guest room. My heart simply swelled with gratitude as I watched my daughter play with her four babies!

The babies enjoyed being out - even if Trystan's expression says otherwise!

Logan was concentrating as she touched the blades of grass.

What a joy it is to watch them experience things for the very first time EVER!

Kailey was THE only one who tried to put the grass in her mouth!

I had to cut HER exploring time short and occupy her with a toy she COULD put in her mouth!

It was SO beautiful outside we didn't want to come in for the 3:30 bottle feeding so I suggested we simply feed them out there! It worked great and they all drained their bottles nicely!

Mike came home and joined them on the quilts and that's where they were when we left this afternoon!

As soon as we come in the camper I like to spend a few minutes fluffing my nest.
I put away laundry and made up the bed with fresh sheets.
Tomorrow is soon enough to do the real cleaning. Tonight I just 'put things to right.'

Louis Dean lit a fire for us and we sat out there with our books.
We haven't been reading as is our custom when we leave so early in the mornings.
We had some catching up to do!

He insisted I take a picture of this 'staged' red neck tailgate Happy Hour!

Two of the boxes are actually empty!
He takes the bladder out and uses the box as kindle to start a fire.
Still, he thought he was really clever in saying he's preparing to tailgate for the Super Bowl on Sunday!

It's been a good week around here and we are looking forward to sleeping in for the next two mornings!


  1. You both deserve to sleep in. Very cute pics today! I can tell they love the outdoors, and look at that sun! 1 degree here today!!!


  2. So good to see you all out enjoying the day and even having a picnic. ☺ We were trying to remember if Logan was the gatekeeper or just who was the gatekeeper. Do you have a search feature on this heah blog? LOL! Yay for Amber getting out and about. I'm sure that she can feel her strength returning with each passing day. You must be heading home for a few days soon now that it's February??

  3. How wonderful that you can take the babies outside on February 1st! So cute...all of them.

  4. isn't it nice to get outside and soak up those rays...have a great weekend...

  5. I love the red checks ... looks like someone is teething!!

  6. Great pictures especially exploring the grass.
    I see many picnics and pictures outdoors in your future;)

  7. Beautiful, just absolutely beautiful to see the babes outdoors, healthy and happy. It's fantastic to see Amber out there as well.

    I love LD's tailgate party! Quite the party animal eh? lol LD I wouldn't tease ya if I didn't love ya! :-)

    Have a fantastic weekend, looks like you're getting some absolutely wonderful weather there. We even went a bit above 0 today, a far cry from -40 a few days ago, but trust me, this isn't a complaint by no means!


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  9. Your day did start quite early. I'm barely moving around by 8:00. I'm so happy to hear Amber is recovering so well. How wonderful that she could get out & soak in some sunshine. That always helps my mood so much. I'm sure watching those babies explore even helped her that much more. I think it's funny that you referenced it being the first time they had touched grass. Somewhere back in my blog I made that same reference about Axle when he was that age. It was an aha moment for me! It hit me like a ton of bricks how I needed to sit down and appreciate the little things with him because once they were gone, they were gone.

    Looks like LD has a head start on Super Bowl Sunday! Should be fun LOL.

    You two enjoy your weekend & your extra sleep!

  10. What a perfect day!

    Not sure what-all is in the 'staged' red neck tailgate Happy Hour, but good for him. Fun keeps us young!

  11. It was a beautiful day and I happy everyone could get outside to enjoy and explore new surroundings. I love the pictures of feeling the grass !

  12. The posts with the photos of the Quads are so uplifting, Linda. It's like you spread happiness all around blogdom. Enjoy your weekend and your sleep-in!

  13. Seeing the babies outside on the lawn makes me smile! Good fresh air is such a treat for everyone. You're lucky to live in a mild climate during the winter. Most people wouldn't have that luxury this time of year! They are all so adorable drinking their bottles together. I'm amazed at the clever little ducks that hold their bottles too! Who came up with that unique idea? Amber is ON top of things isn't she? So glad to hear that she's feeling better and doing well. We are looking foward to the Super Bowl tomorrow ourselves. We won't be having a tailgate party like you guys though! LOL! It has been very cold here. We survived the terrible tornadoes that came through our state. It missed my county, but did a lot of damage to others north of us. It was a scary day last Wednesday. We are happy to have blue clear skies though despite the cold. I'm starting to see birds everywhere too. Have a great relaxing weekend! You've earned it.

  14. that blue sky is gorgeous but nothing beats those babies, they are just too cute for words!!

  15. The pictures and expressions were priceless.
    Now who are you fooling you know you and LD finish all 3 those boxes of wine off that night. LOL
