Saturday, January 12, 2013

Our Saturday......

We had a good Saturday. 
It started early for me.....

....and even EARLIER for April!
This was the scene as I came in the door this morning in a place I have often referred to as 'Quadville!'
I cannot sing her praises loud enough!!!
April is a registered nurse who after all the education and training left the profession.
Disillusioned with the medical world, she became a nanny.
April is a direct answer to prayer!
My daughter in law, Leigh Ann, prayed specifically for God to send a nanny to help Amber with the quads.
After finishing out her last day back in December, she offered to live with Amber and Mike for two weeks starting with the night of Amber's surgery. Family Friend replaced nanny status!
She will be leaving to join her husband as he finishes his education at a college in East Texas.
But FIRST she is helping us!
Talk about a 'GOD thing!!' 
She is SUCH a blessing!

THIS was the picture I planned to post last night!
Tryston saying......"What do you MEAN my mommy isn't coming home today?"

April picked out special clothes for them! They were all dressed up!

Kailey and Granddad were hanging out!

I had baked special brownies......
but they kept her an extra day in the hospital!

So this morning we got the news!
Mommy was on her way HOME!!!

We took the babies OUT of their cribs and dressed them up AGAIN!
Now I didn't take pictures but believe me! They looked adorable!

I baked a delicious pound cake - thanks to my daughter, Summer, for the easy delicious recipe!

Popped another one of the meals Amber had prepared before her surgery into the crock pot -
Tortilla Soup - Mmmmmm - GOOD!

We were ready!
As soon as I heard the car pull up - whatever baby I was holding - I don't remember which one it was! -
and I walked out to meet them. She was HOME! WITH her babies all dressed and out in the den to greet her! After she saw them - which was GOOD MEDICINE - Mike helped her into bed and April and I rocked and put the babies down for their naps.

Mike heard me telling April how much I enjoy playing card games and came out of the bedroom to hand me two decks of playing cards!
I taught HER how to play NUTS!
SHE taught ME how to play SPEED!
It was a wonderful day!

The quads had their warm jammies on and were ready for their night bottles at 7:00 pm!
Amber's schedule works like a charm.
I truly believe she handles FOUR every bit as well as she could have handled ONE!
ONE would have kept the household in far greater turmoil than these four.
You simply MUST keep things even keeled when you deal with multiples.

I left after we fed them,  Mike read the bedtime stories and they were all snug in their beds.
I must continue to sing April's praises, though.
She had a phone call this afternoon that her father in law had been in an accident.
He was burning rubbish and a propane tank exploded and he was badly burned.
He was rushed by ambulance to the burn unit in Galveston.
Her husband was en route as he was telling her about it.
She heard later this evening her FIL was burned in his face.
That's all she knows.
Since she is a nurse she realizes how serious this is.
So while we are grateful Amber is at home and recovering - in PAIN, of course, but recovering - we are now praying  for Bob......


  1. Wow that is a lot going on and a lot of prayers needed. Will do. sandie

  2. Praying with you. My heart just hurt so much for her FIL when I read that.

  3. Oh my...April, you have my prayers and thoughts about your father in law. Hope he recovers and the burning wasn't too serious [well, you know what I mean]---that's scary.

    I tellya, Linda, your quadville is so darling. And they're all becoming individuals now, you can see their progress and growth. How sweet to have such a gift.

  4. Oh so sorry to read about April's step-dad and am saying a prayer for him. Not a good thing at all. Sometimes nurses know too much.

    The babies look so darling and very happy they must be to have mom home in their own level of awareness. I know that you all are.

    Praying that recovery marches right along at an excellent pace. Love to all...

  5. So glad Mommy is home! This is the place, to recover best. :-) Hugs......

  6. Praying now for Amber AND Bob. Just heard about gas grills exploding and now another instance.

    Glad Amber is home. You always get better faster in your own place.

  7. Please tell April that I will pray for her FIL and her family of loved ones. Seems you were blessed that April came along to help. My gosh those babies are so adorable. All of you are in my prayers. xoxo,Susie
    p.s. Linda I paint with watercolors..and it's been awhile.:(

  8. My prayers and thoughts are for April's Dear FIL.
    From what I have read here and on Amber blog April is truely Heaven Sent.
    Glad to read Amber is home and recovering in her own bed/home, continued prayers for her speedy recovery.

  9. So glad to hear that Amber is back home and recovering well. I am so sorry to hear about April's FIL too! Burns are so serious and scary. You never know the outcome to something like that. Will April be taking some time off to visit her FIL in the hospital? I imagine she feels like she needs to be in two places at one time. She sounds like a wonderful asset to your family right now! I agree that Amber has this down to a science when it comes to juggling everything to do with the babies. It seems God knew that she would be able to handle this as I believe he only gives you as much as you can handle. I think I would've been a nervous wreck! I'm always so impressed with how organized everything is at her house (schedule that is). I think she's very lucky to have such a close-nit family to help her too. That is so important! I can't imagine doing everything without support from others. I hope she continues to recover well without any complications and enjoys being back home.

  10. oooohhhh i am trying to catch up, i have missed so much. i have missed the joy you share with us during what many might feel, is a trying time!!

    the babies have gotten soooo big, and you are still so joyful!!

    great to spend some time with you today!!


  11. The babies are just a sheer delight! I'm so pleased Amber is recovering in the place she loves best, with the people she loves best!

    How awful for April though. I hope her FIL isn't too badly hurt.

  12. I just love all the pictures but that one of LD and Kailey is just precious.
    You did good!
