Friday, January 11, 2013

One More Day

April and I had the babies all bathed and dressed pretty for Amber's return from the hospital! I baked a pan of Brownies and thawed a dinner from the stash Amber had put up in the freezer. We were all ready!

Then we got the phone call!

Amber can tell the story better than I can......
My Recovery.....Day 2

So tomorrow April will pick out a new set of cute clothes and we'll do a repeat of today!

For some reason I can't load any pictures and I'll be honest with you -
 it's the end of a long day. The babies did so many cute things I want to show you.
I really MUST figure out how to post a video!

It's after 9:00 pm here in the Chapman Camper.
I have been giving all my attention to the babies today.
Now there's someone over there on the sofa waiting for me with a glass of wine.
He seems to like my company so I think I'll join him.

Then I'll say.......
'Goodnight world. Goodnight camper. Goodnight pets. Goodnight moon.'
Good night!


  1. Good night, Linda! You have had a busy day. Saw all the pictures on facebook and they are wonderful. So glad Amber is being taken care of and that she is able to come home tomorrow.

  2. Nighty night, dear Linda!
    Thought and prayers for Amber's return and speedy recovery!

  3. Sounds like a very busy day for everybody. So glad that all that repair has been done and now for the healing. Sleep well down there in Texas...

  4. I just read about Amber's surgery...I will visit her blog, it's been along time coming. You and LD get some rest. Many prayers to all of you.


  5. And the following, is a copy of what I left over on Amber's blog......

    Oh my Dear, so sorry for the set-back. But when you go home, you will be allllllll ready to do so.

    Blogging-Friend of your Mama

  6. I also ventured over to Amber's blog via your link and what a trooper she is! She's in such good spirits and that's so wonderful to hear, even if she's got to stay an extra day in the hospital at least the hospital staff are being smart and not sending Amber home prematurely.

    I'm looking forward to photos of the quads, and what a blessing for both you and LD to have one another, I can feel the love all the way from frozen Canada! :-)

    Have a wonderful day Linda, which I'm sure you will playing with your beautiful grandbabies!

  7. Linda you are about the 20th person I have heard of having trouble with loading pictures. I know the babes are cute.

  8. Linda, You and LD are two of the hardest working grandparents I know. I know you are enjoying being with those babies. They seem to be growing fast. When they start walking, or even crawling, Amber will get plenty of exercise chasing them. When I had my twins I did not need to belong to a gym...besides who could afford it.LOL Glad you and your sweety are relaxing , you have put in a long day.xoxo,Susie

  9. At least they didn't send her home within 24 hours. Better safe than sorry. Glad LD had the wine glass waiting for you.
