Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Quilt Top is DONE!

Today has been a good day! Louis Dean got the day off since Amber's nanny is back!!
We really missed her! That meant I got some extra 'Me' time today and I have to tell you - I loved every minute of it! Louis Dean had a leisurely morning drinking our coffee, reading and Bible study before I dressed and went over to the rec center where I walked on the treadmill and prayed. I have found that makes the time FLY by!!

On my way to Quadville I stopped at the local Goodwill where I found a few treasures.
My next stop was at Hobby Lobby where I picked up some Fall paper goods for NEXT year at 80% off!
I also bought the rest of the 'ingredients' for the denim Quilt/Play Mat for the Quads Christmas gift.

I love this denim thread......

....and this time I thought I would try the Fusible Batting.

The top is finished!!!
Tomorrow I will begin the process of putting it together.

Between the sewing and feedings at 2 and 5 pm - I held some pretty sweet babies!

Logan is the very FIRST one of the quads to get a phone call!!
This one was from Granddad!
He wanted her to know he will be back tomorrow and that he MISSES her!!

Trystan played with Sophie the giraffe......which is a treat since Harrison is usually chewing on  holding her!

Logan just could NOT believe Granddad wasn't there today!!

Kailey was in denial that her Granddad had NOT been there to hold her this day!

And little Harrison is wondering how the stock market did today since Granddad wasn't here to watch it!

Don't worry, babies!! He'll be BACK tomorrow!!

But tonight he has the fire pit burning and since it is COLD (MAY be dipping toward the freezing mark tonight!!) we are celebrating with a glass of wine as we gaze into the flames and count our many blessings!!


  1. sounds like a good day for everyone...can't wait to see the quilt mat finished...

  2. Dear Linda Lou....I do believe you have the kindest, sweetest spirit.
    I can't BELIEVE how the quads are growing. My gosh...just yesterday, they were all 4 sooo tiny.

    I am lovin' your denim quilt....

  3. Sounds like you all got some R&R today! I always love seeing those babies pictures!

  4. Is Fusible batting a brand or a different type of batting? Love quilts,but what I know about making one you could wrap in one of your denim squares,
    That Harrison is one cute little guy;) Love Logan looking at the phone, they all are so cute.

  5. Hooray for you getting some fire pit weather.

    Awwwww, the super photo ops, those babies provide! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  6. Oh and I don't know how you manage to do all that you do! You seem to pack an awful lot of things, into every 24 hours. :-)))))))))))

  7. Yup, I'm another who wonders how you do it all. Such fun captions for these photos! Some made me laugh out loud.

  8. Hey busy lady! I'm so happy you found some free time! Your quilt is looking just beautiful, what a great gift this is going to be! Beautiful pictures of the quads! Stay warm!


  9. And life is good :):):) Some days it's nice to get a break. I know that your daughter is happy with all your help. You are a good person Linda. May God bless all of you. xo, Susie

  10. Love the pictures and the expressions on each little Bell.
    I'm getting closer to finishing the quilt for Harrison. Finally. What do you think ... Should I give the quilts all at once or as I finish them?
