Thursday, November 15, 2012

A November Thursday.....

arrived COLD!!! 

Cold enough to bring in and turn ON our little electric heater!
It took some of the chill off as we sat bundled in our blankets while we sipped coffee and had our morning reading time. We seldom use the heat at home so we don't anticipate winter in Houston will be a problem.
Still and all......I love to sleep COLD but I do enjoy a bit of WARMTH with my morning coffee!

We arrived in Quadville just in time for the 11:00 am feeding.
Amber is making her own organic baby foods and today the featured food was bananas!
ALL four loved it!

After Tummy Time Harrison and Kailey enjoyed watching 'The Ants Go Marching One by One.'
This has been one of Levi's VERY favorite videos!
I feel sure it will be a favorite with the quads as well.

In the afternoon Louis Dean and I worked on the denim quilt.......
I had to 'true up' one side so it would be even.

Then I ironed on the 'Fusible Batting.'

The denim was a bit heavy for it to work very well.......

It only 'fused' in a few places......

then we spread out the sheet I was using for the backing.

Put right sides together.......

.......cut to fit......

.......and I am ready to sew it together......
NEXT week!!

I packed away the sewing machine - a wedding gift to Amber from her Aunt Deanie - and closed up shop!
We are OFF tomorrow - Amber has both her Nanny coming as well as her housekeeper!
This is perfect since tomorrow is Louis Dean's 76th BIRTHDAY!!!
How are we celebrating?
By shopping for Thanksgiving Dinner!
This is our gift to Amber and two other guests.
LD brought back his big electric roaster so we will be roasting our turkey outside in our gazebo.
We have a menu - a shopping list - AND a schedule!!

"Thou hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more, - a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise."

~George Herbert


  1. You are so busy and so productive. I wondered where you were laying out the quilt and then realized you were at Amber and Mike's house. It is beautiful. Such a cute picture of Harrison and Kailey watching the computer!

  2. Happy Birthday to Louis Dean and here's to many more have a great day!

  3. Happy Birthday Louis Dean...don't let Linda work you too your day off....

  4. Happy birthday LD. Hope you have a lovely day - both of you

  5. I love that he helps you with your quilting project! Happy Birthday to LD. Enjoy your day off.

  6. I am soooo impressed with Louis Dean and his ability to get on the ground and then back up. What a blessing for him. (I couldn't do that if my life depended on it)

    The babies are looking so interesting. It is easy to see how they engage with their eyes, have great expressions on their faces, and in general, seem to be leaving the tiny infancy stage behind them. They are real little bundles of joy, fun, love, and responsiveness!

    What a fun time in your lives. Do they light up when you and LD walk in?? I'm sure they know you by sight by now and you two are some of their favorite people!!

    I stepped out tonight to a crisp November night also. It is cold and clear--the kind of cold that settles in the old bones!!

    However, we are a blessed people!

  7. That denim quilt is going to be fantastic... And will last forever too !!
    I remember seeing one somewhere that had a bib-overall front and even side pockets pieced in. I thought it was great... you could tuck in your kleenex or cough-drops !!

    Please wish your Louis Dean a Happy B-day and give him a big ol' hug around his neck from Washington state !!


  8. Kailey looks very interested in the video! So cute. Happy birthday to Louis Dean! Somehow, I think he'll find shopping for Thanksgiving a fun thing to do...right up his alley...and he IS baking those wonderful rolls, too, right?

    Gosh, I hate hearing how chilly it is there with so little heat. Must be all the global warming.

  9. Happy Birthday, LD!!!!!!!!!!

    Cold in TX. How about that. :-)

    Enjoy your time off. Even shopping for Thanksgiving, on it. :-)

  10. You never stop going and doing - do you! That is wonderful. Happy Birthday LD!!!!!!!!!!!! sandie

    Have a Great Day!!

  12. Can't wait to see the quilt top done:) Those babies are growing too fast....

  13. Linda, You and LD are just the best. Wish LD happy birthday from here in Indiana. May God bless you both always. xo, Susie

  14. Always enjoy reading your blog even if I'm a week behind
