Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Mother's Surgery and My Sister's Bathroom!

It doesn't seem appropriate to have had such a good time on Mother's surgery day!
Even Mother was smiling!!

My mother is such a trooper! Her positive attitude on life has held her in good stead!
My sister, Deanie, is sitting in the corner. You can BARELY see her!
She said, "NO pics!!" I try to respect the privacy of my family when requested!
While I won't say too much about this I do have to tell you what an amazing person Deanie is!! While suffering from some health issues of her own, taking some pretty strong medications which made her feel even worse  and when she SHOULD have been home in bed - she was right there making sure Mother received the best care possible! Mother can't always speak clearly and for medical situations Deanie is her 'voice!'

This is Mother waiting for the doctor to arrive. My wonderful sister in law, Michele, joined us so we made a party of four including Deanie and her husband, Charlie.

The surgery went very well and by 5:00 we were back at Deanie's.
She has THE most comfy guest room and it has been Mother's for the last week and she will continue to stay here until she goes for her follow up appointment.

I stayed with Mother while Charlie and Deanie went out to dinner.
I can't tell you how wonderful it was to just sit up beside her in bed! She reached over and took my hand and said, "NOW!! TELL me!!"
That means TALK! So I did! I told her all about the quadruplets and the sweetness and particulars of each precious baby! I told her all the horror stories of our trip down there with the camper and the first bumpy days when we didn't have hot water - or ANY water - and the microwave went out and all the hilarious things about fitting in to such a small space. Trust me - it was funnier telling her about than when we were actually living it!! We laughed and laughed!!!

We will forever laugh about her time in the recovery room! She wanted to close her eyes and kept lifting her RIGHT eyelid and pulling it out and then pulling it down......kind of like she had something in her eye. I could NOT figure out what she was trying to do! I said, "Just close your eyes and rest." She said, "I'm TRYING!!"
Then she reached over to her LEFT eye (the surgery was on the left side of her face and it was still numb!) and said, "OH!! It's THIS one!!!"

It was fun being with everyone. Nita (the sister Mother lives with) came by after work so I felt like I had seen quite a bit of 'Family' that day.
I had wanted to stop by and see Levi, Sam and Faith ( 3 more grandchildren) on my way home but it was pretty late by the time I left Fort Worth and they had a concert to attend that evening. We have made arrangements to get together with them on my next trip home.

That was the part about my Mother's surgery!
NOW to my sister's bathroom!!

This is the sister with The Fifties Kitchen!

Every room in her home is unique and while she requested me NOT to take HER pic - she did give me permission to take some of her bathroom!!

I love her collection of perfume bottles!

She has clever witty sayings!

Isn't THIS a good rule??

I should start hanging MY evening bags on MY bathroom walls!!

Interesting things EVERYWHERE!!!

I remember these! Leave it to Deanie to actually HAVE one!!
ON her wall! IN her bathroom!!

Now my sister, Nita, can tell you the story behind these ladies pictured on the tins.

She told me but I can't remember except it was something about WWII and airplanes.
I'll have to take more pictures of Nita's house in October when I come back.
Talk about collectibles!!
She and her husband have some awesome things!!
From dinosaurs to Watt pottery to WWII silk fringe pillow covers to vintage toys to YOU NAME IT - they've GOT it!!

Deanie has lots and lots of pretty things.
I, on the other hand, have lots of STUFF! Pretty stuff but still STUFF!

I have some amazing sisters and I am very grateful I am not an only child!
I told Mother, "It's a good thing you had more than ONE daughter!"

I have to say - it's been so nice to be home for awhile.
Babies and the elderly are both 'time sensitive.'
Neither stage lasts long enough!
I'm happy I get to be in both worlds!


  1. I hope your mother mends well...she looks like a real trooper! Sometimes these sort of things bring us together with family and that's a good thing. I loved seeing your sister's bathroom, very original and cute! She looks like she has a good sense of humor (like you!).

    Hope you have a great week, Linda!


  2. The thought of you turning this entire hospital time into an "event" just makes me smile. I'm sure that your mother loves having you all around her. Deanie sounds like a wonderful sister and daughter. You all do! It helps to be on the same team with the same goal. I don't remember the perfume dispenser and think it's a pretty nifty idea. Very cool bathroom...almost like a little museum.

  3. I'm so glad your Mom's surgery went so well and that you all made it into a festive time.

    I LOVE your sisters collectibles! Amazing! I have never seen nor ever heard of a perfume dispenser. That is AWESOME!

  4. Okay now - I know why you are so wonderful with such a great outfit - your mom has one and passed it to you and your sister and your brother and he married a wonderful woman too!

  5. I love your family...lots of goodies..lots of good times..

  6. You are such a caregiver! That's too funny about your Mom in the recovery room. The 50's bathroom is really something. You guys know how to decorate a room or two, don't you?

  7. So glad your mom made it through the surgery OK. I'm sure she will soon be back to her old self. She is a real trooper.

    Your sister's bathroom is a museum! I admit it -- I'm old enough to remember those perfume dispensers. So cool that she actually has one.

  8. Linda,
    I am so glad to hear that your mother's surgery is over and she is on the mend!

    She has raised such delightful daughters!

    My goodness! You are wearing a path on the interstate!

    That bathroom perfume station is a riot! My Sin, White Shoulders and Chanel No 5. I remember another biggie was Shalimar! LOL.

    Lot's of prayers headed your way!
    Safe travels, my friend!

  9. Home, home...there is no place like home. I am happy to see your mother is thru the surgery and hope she heals well, and rapidly with no complications.

    And the quaint and fun all rolled into one. I especially like the perfume collection and the very humorous signage.

  10. Don't think this is the original surgery... Think this is the plastic surgery procedure... Yes?
    Certainly hope all works out well!

    My heart still goes out to Deanie, with all her own problems. And my best wishes go to her, as she struggles with added issues, at this time.

    Gentle hugs,

  11. You are such a busy lady! Hope all goes well for mom! Take care.

  12. So true...that babies and the elderly are both stages that don't last long! Glad you are able to be involved at both ends of the spectrum. Wishing your mom a speedy recovery!

    Wow...what an artsy bathroom!

  13. What a sweet mom you have...she looked so must have been all the love around her that made her feel relaxed. Your sisters home is her collections. I hope you get some rest time before your back with the quads...I agree with your ending statement that neither stage lasts long enough.:(

  14. Linda, I just saw this and thought the quads should be entered!!!

  15. Glad to hear all went well. I love the shelf cabinet her perfume bottle collection is in.
    Your sister definitely has some cool stuff and rooms.
