Thursday, September 13, 2012

Home For a Few Days!

Louis Dean and I are back home for a few days. Before we left I wanted to help feed the quads one last time before we left!

Amber managed to place all four babies in my lap and snap a couple of pics!
Poor things! Just look at how uncomfortable they look!
Next picture taking moment Louis Dean and I will sit on the couch together!
With both of us there will be more room to spread out!
Don't know why we keep forgetting to take a pic of all of us!
I MUST remember!

There are many reasons to come home but the biggest one is my mother.

She had a large black mole on the side of her face. She'd had this for years but when my sister, Deanie, had it checked recently it turned out to be a malignant melanoma.
Last week she had the mole removed - and it was a bigger job than anticipated.
She has spent this past week with Deanie.

Bless Deanie's heart! The brunt of Mother's care is on Nita and Deanie.

Mother has been well taken care of as you can see!
Deanie is worn out and struggling with some health issues of her own.

Nita came to the rescue and left work to take Mother for a follow up visit so Deanie could stay home and try to recuperate before the surgery. Good thing Mother had more than ONE daughter!

I will be going to Fort Worth in the morning to be with them.
We were told they got all the cancer so now they can fix the hole in her head!!
Mother got ever so excited when she was told she would have plastic surgery!
She envisioned a whole face lift!!
Not so!! The surgeon said he would simply take one wrinkle and pull it up and attach it to another one! That doesn't even SOUND nice!!

It's been a long day and LD is already in bed!
I'm heading there now.
This house feels like a MANSION! It is so BIG after living in the camper for nearly 3 weeks! You can WALK around the entire bed here!!
And I have my COLD cold A/C........
and my sound machine........
and my ceiling fan........

There really is no place like HOME!!
Whether it's HERE or whether it's THERE!
As long as we're TOGETHER - we're HOME!


  1. Your mom is so cute. I don't know why the doctor couldn't make the process sound a little more charming. Ha!

    It's a lot easier when parents get older to have all siblings on deck. My poor mom was an only so she depended a lot on me. And siblings should not move miles away either. Gosh, I have a lot of rules. =D

    Yes, set up the tripod and get a group shot! Lots of them. These babes are growing so fast.

  2. I'm glad you will be there, to help Deanie. And good luck with her health issues. -sigh-


  3. That you even find time to take those pics and look so nice in them after all you have done. Enjoy your home and Mom. There's something about coming home and stepping on the steady floor of your home and sleeping in your own bed that can't be matched. But you are right ... and home is where the heart is.

  4. Oh my goodness. You really did have to get back to your sweet mom! Bless her heart. She's a trooper though, it looks like. I had to laugh when you mentioned she thought she would get a whole face lift. Ha! She's so cute. I'm glad to hear that she's all fixed up and the mole is not going to cause any more problems. Melanoma is so scary! Hope you have a good weekend back home now.

  5. goodness... I would have given that doctor a kick in the shin if he told me he was going to pull up one of my wrinkles and attach it to another. Your mom looks like a person with a good attitude. I hope she heals well. Have a good weekend and visit.

  6. Bless your Mamas sweet heart... hope she gets to feeling better soon.
    Glad you got home safe... Always feels good to sleep in your own bed !!

  7. hope all is well with your Mom...what a cutie she those babies....hope your enjoying our cooler weather....and a little rain fall....

  8. Love your lapfull of babies! There is no place like true. Enjoy! All the best to your mom.

  9. Love the photo of you and those precious babies!

    So glad everything went well with your Mom's surgery. She's a cutie! May all go well on your visit and with her next surgery.

  10. Linda, May God bless all of you. So much going on and so much needs to be taken care of. Hug your mom for me, I miss my mommy . You look so cute with those babies. I love the new header photo. Smiles, xo, Susie

  11. I love you and your family.
    Y'all are so close and there for each other every step of the way.

  12. Linda your Mom is totally adorable and you're right, the babies do look uncomfortable, they'll laugh when they're older I'm sure!

    Yipeee a few days in your home, that sounds lovely! Enjoy!
