Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Working! WORKING! Working!!

We are getting so close to our departure date and there is still a lot to be done.
Working on this camper redo has been a good exercise program for us!
Once we get to the RV Resort - it will be very nice indeed to simply walk on the treadmill every morning after coffee instead of all this intense WORK we have been doing to GET down there!

There are many MANY things that MUST be done before we can leave.
New tires on the camper? Check!
Tags?? Check!
New Batteries??? Not yet.......

We are still putting the kitchen back together......

I have been amazed at how well things have cleaned up!!

A friend sent me the chicken paper towel holder! I got it in the mail today!
Thank you, Melba! Reminds me of our old camping days together - you and JW in a nice fifth wheel - Amber, Benjamin and I in our two man tent!! Good times!
Never dreamed I would be camping in style some day!

This is the 'extra' room where the kitchen table is located.

I finally got the bathroom just like I want it!

Not only do we have to prepare our camper - we also have to leave our property in good order. I had to pull out a ton of mint, honeysuckle and lantana that would have swallowed up our roses bushes before we got back home again to check on them!

We have made so much progress I am amazed myself!
But let me tell you - there is no secret to all this.
It is hard work - pure and simple.

I think helping Amber and Mike with their quadruplets is going to be a LOT easier than the work we are doing to get down there!!

Looking forward to putting my feet up and holding a baby........

or TWO.......

or THREE.......

or FOUR!!!!!


  1. Still amazed at all you do. You all have a wonderful time. What bliss to know that you have four to hold and love.


  2. wow what a big difference..looks like home now....those babies are just so precious...

  3. I love your camper and I love those babies!!!

  4. They are just sooooo sweet every time I see their picture! Your camper is certainly looking good. Looks like you have a nice size one too! We have a small pop-up camper. It's a hassle to set-up every time we use it. It's for sale at the moment. ha!

  5. I just love seeing them grow up! sandie

  6. Everything and everyone look to be thriving.
    Happy times!

  7. All that great work for nothing;)
    Once you are with those beautiful babies you wont want to go back to the camper.
    The camper along with your decorating makes me want to try camping:)

  8. Wow! Look at you and LD go! You have done so much work on that camper and it is looking just lovely.

  9. Since God blesses hard work, done for a good purpose, you must be in for a double-dose, no make that a quadruple dose, of blessing.

    Have a wonderful time - once you get there. :)

  10. You have both worked so hard that I'm sure your reward will be to hold some sweet babies. They look as if they're a dance troupe in that final photograph.

    Thinking of and praying for your journey to the Quads!

  11. All that hard work, is certainly paying off!!!!!! Remember what it looked like, when you went out there, to start!!!!

    Fantastic difference!!!!

    Mmm, since you another one of my TX blogging pals, I have to ask you if you make sure you both have bug spray on????? Yahoo News had a terrible piece, about West Nile Virus mosquitos, in TX.

    Gentle hugs,

  12. ooo, I am so totally in love with the babies, I can't stand it....
    can I pls. borrow the pics to share on MY blog? Pretty please...with sugar on top.....

    O, and I am lovin' your cute camper, too. Do you have a pickup to pull it with?

  13. You all have worked so hard. I'm sure it's going to be so worth it though when you get settled in! I just smile from ear to ear everytime I see a pic of all 4 of them together :)

  14. All the best as you tie up all the loose ends before 'hitting the road'! What beautiful will soon have in your arms.

  15. You guys just amaze me with all the work you do. Okay I'm pretty sure I'm lazy. ;o)
    The work y'all have done is awesome and your decor is so adorable.
    Y'all need to slow down.
