Monday, August 13, 2012

Catching UP!!! My Sister's 50's Kitchen! AND Latest Quad Update!

I have kept a journal for over 25 years......the old fashioned Country Diary where I write each day. Occasionally I get behind and then it's time to play 'Catch up!' Amazing how I can NOT seem to remember what I did even yesterday! It is best to write daily!

Friday was Fun Fort Worth Family Day!!
I took the day off and left LD here at home WORKING on the camper!

Summer took a vacation day so it was an ESPECIALLY good day!!

We visited with my sister, Deanie in her super cute Fabulous Fifties Kitchen!!!
She has everything from (WORKING!!) slot machines to juke boxes!

She and her husband have an amazing collection!!!

I am only hitting the highlights of their unique home!

Kids - of ALL ages! - love to visit here!

WHAT an amazing collection!!!

SO much to see!!!

We were so busy CATCHING UP with each other we totally forgot to play the jukeboxes!!!

Nor did we weigh ourselves.......


SO SO much to see!!!

Their grandchildren are some of the luckiest ones EVER!!!

Next time I am over there I will take proper pictures!

There were OTHER rooms but I will have to do a blog post just for them!

Can we say INTERESTING?????

She has a lovely collection of dogs as well!!
Raynie had a BALL!!!

And did I mention she collects ELEPHANTS too????

OK!! We reluctantly left my sister's and picked Mother up at the beauty shop.
Lunch at Chili's and some shopping followed!

It will be a few weeks before I see my mother again so I am happy we had such a nice visit and having Summer and Raynie was icing on the cake.
My sister, Nita, dropped by earlier that morning knowing we would be at Deanie's.
It's a good day when you can see so many of your family members!
I still have two other sisters and a brother so if we were ALL together at the same time WITH our families we would be a CROWD of people!!

We ended our Friday at my oldest son's home in Arlington.
He and his wife went to dinner and the grand kids, Summer and I had a BALL!

I needed that day!

LD and I worked like everything on Saturday!

I finally finished the camper bathroom to my liking!
Got the label off the mirror with Easy Off Oven Cleaner - of all things!!
I bought Command Hooks - but they didn't work so I simply stapled up some of my vintage embroidered dresser scarves. Easy Peasy!!

Sunday both Louis Dean and I took the day off!
Church services at a local Methodist church right here in our neighborhood.

We saw Hope Springs at The Movie Tavern - the food, drinks AND movie were all wonderful!! You never saw such a PACKED theater full of SENIOR CITIZENS!!

Today we have been back to work on the camper.......the countdown to departure is ON! I will be so relieved to get down to the Houston area where we can help Amber and Mike with their quads. Today we had an extra concern.

This is from Amber's Facebook posting earlier this morning:

At the ER with Trystan, looks like we will be staying overnight for observation. She had two more choking episodes this morning bad enough that she couldn't breathe & started turning purple. Both times we had to suction her nose so she could breathe. It seems to be a result of sporadic reflux but we want to be sure there's no underlying issues. Ekg came back normal, getting chest xray results & will monitor her throughout the night. I'll be staying with her while Mike goes home to help his mom with the other three. Prayers for us all appreciated!

And the latest update:

Trystan and I are all situated in our hospital room for the night. Hoping for an uneventful evening with some good napping for mom since little girl is hooked up to monitors. Will save all my worrying for when we get home. So hard not to be able to keep eyes on your kids every second of the day, especially when you have four!

You can read Amber's latest blog post HERE!

This is even more motivation to get this camper redo finished and haul her on down!
Speaking of which.......LD is still out there working so I think I will join him
We still a couple of hours of daylight left!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend your sister has the coolest collections

  2. Oh...I can see that Amber and Mike need some reinforcements. Yay for your counterpart being able to help out. You'll be there very soon...

    Your sister's home is unique as is your own. Are you sure that you are really sisters? What a variety of tastes you have.

    Sorry about those Command hooks not working. What you've done is wonderful...I like it a lot.

    Take it easy...don't fret...God's got it all under control.

  3. I miss my Mom so much when I read your posts about your Mom. My Mom is 6 hrs away, in Okla. I'll get to see her next weekend. YAY!

    Oh my Linda, you have boundless energy.
    What is your secret?

  4. Your sister's kitchen is absolutely amazing. I have never seen anything like it. Fantastic!
    Good luck with the quads. Hope you can see them soon.
    Maddie xx

  5. Your sister's kitchen could be a museum. How cool!

    Hope Trystan is doing better. Praying for her and the family.

  6. Raynie is getting so big. Well, not really BIG. Just that she is growing, like all children do. Not a baby anymore. And her Mommy keeps her dressed, in such a cute and little girl way. You know I just love, love, love that. (Waving to Summer)

    Even their kitchen is filled with memory-abelia. (spelling??? but you can sound it out) Their whole house must be like a sort of a time capsule museum.

    Sorry about the quad troubles. Glad to hear that the other Grandmother is helping out too.

    Gentle hugs,

  7. We are all going to pray for those babies, and those who care for them as well.
    I loved the picture of your Mom, and that kitchen! I thought for a minute I was in a museum. How can you visit when there's so much to see. The black and white floors and the elephants were my favorites.

  8. I know you've told me this but those pictures are from your sister's home... How big is this house. I imagine it to be at least 4000 square feet. It's amazing. WOW.
    Glad you got some family time up there.

    Poor baby girl Trystan she looks so sad in her little picture. Scary.

  9. First of all I have to say I'm glad Trystan is OK and that her problem is being monitored.

    Your sister's kitceh is so much fun! There is so much to look at and it is definietly full of nostalgia.

    I love Meryl Streep and hope to see this movie soon!

    Keeping the quads in my prayers and also Amber and Bill!

  10. Oh my gosh. I love that kitchen. Does she give tours? Can't wait to see more of her house. Just amazing. Camper is looking good. Sherri

  11. Hope the little one is doing better. And that the camper is ready for you soon.

  12. Oh my goodness...that kitchen is unbelievable!

    So sorry to hear little Trystan is having issues. Praying all is well!

    I'm making a go see the movie.
