Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fun Like a Party!!

Louis Dean and I have been hanging out at the hospital today with Amber and it's been fun like a party!!

LD begins our every morning with coffee and a cat on his lap.
This is Snowball. Maggie is tucked away in the office/guest room.

Here she is! Hiding under the covers! So far Snowball and Maggie have not even seen each other!

We popped the food in the oven as soon as we got up.
Packed it up and brought it for tonight.
All four of us will eat dinner together tonight right here in the hospital.

Louis Dean knows EXACTLY how many weeks and days we are in on this quad pregnancy! Here is is bragging to someone on the phone.....
"Yeah! She is 27 weeks 5 days! 2 days to her goal of 28 weeks!"

This afternoon Amber sat on her throne and we wheeled our way to the Yogurt Bar downstairs. I pushed HER and LD pushed the IV.

I grabbed Amber's description of this escapade off of Facebook.
She was telling her Aunt Deanie all about it!!

"Yes! Ha, you should have seen the three of us. Mom had to plough her little legs under her to push my wheel chair up the ramp to the cafeteria, harping at LD the whole time to keep close with my IV stand. Of course he had his own thoughts t...o add on the matter! The only time I really got worried was getting on the elevator coming back. For a split second I was ready to rip the IV out of my arm in case my lines got crushed in the door. Three ring circus, topped off with frozen yogurt. It was pretty funny!"

We have enjoyed our day!
Watched Live Free or Die Hard movie and would you believe I took a nap during half of it?

Yesterday on my way up here I stopped off at the local Goodwill to pick up a wine glass for Maggie. She drinks her water from one set on the hearth at home but we forgot to bring it with us.
No glass - they were only selling them in sets and I just wanted ONE for my cat!!

I did make a few scores, though!!
The Liz Claiborne bag is coming in handy today.
I switched my purse out and it carries everything from my book and water to little pockets for phone and such.
And those Easy Spirit shoes feel like heaven!
I KNOW they are suede and winter colors but I love them!
Walking on these hard hospital corridors is not easy on my feet but these shoes will definitely help!!
Now that is just what Louis Dean and I are going to do - Take a WALK!!
It's not safe to let him go out on his own. He has a tendency to get lost! wander off.

Another day marked off on the calendar!!
Hope YOUR day was as nice as OURS!!


  1. Yum...dinner looks great! I'm sure its nice to have dinner all together. There's nothing like having your mom with you to make all things better. Praying for the babies to keep baking......

  2. I love reading your blog!! You are such an amazing, supportive quadlet grandma!! Blessings to you.

  3. John was just asking about you folks. He'll be happy to know that you had a really good day as am I. I enjoyed reading Amber's description of the excursion. =D

  4. Wow, that dinner looks wonderful! I'm so happy I already had dinner, otherwise I'll eat my fridge! Your DD looks wonderful. You are the best quadlet grandma and I can't wait to see the birth. I will pray for mama and babies. Enjoy the weekend.

  5. Looks like it was a wonderful day.
    Amber looks so happy sitting next to you in the picture. Your meal looks yummy. Is that a hatbox with your shoes and purse?
    Continued prayers.

  6. You guys do a great job. From dogs to meals and hospital trips to entertainment, we could not finish this adventure without yall mom! Love you!

  7. I have been following Amber's blog for a while now and just started following yours but of course have heard so much about you (from reading hers!) She is lucky to have such an amazing and supportive mom!

  8. Another precious day of nurturing for the quads....way to go Amber!

  9. Linda you and LD always put a smile on my face when I read about your adventures.

    Amber is blessed that you're right there, she's one heck of an amazing young lady... she has to take after you, after all your one heck of an amazing lady yourself.

    I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and you find the one glass for your spoiled cat! ;-)

  10. I wish I could have seen you and LD pushing Amber to the yogurt bar. What a sight that must have been. You guys always have me laughing.

    Hope you find a glass for your kitty. She's not spoiled or anything is she?

  11. Linda, how nice of you to take the time to comment on my simple chicken dish. Yes, I always do the rice separately. I even serve it on the side because I think it tastes better that way. Hope you have a good day.

  12. Okay girl 2 more days and she is hopefully safe. Looks like you had fun - and you brought food - had a party and went for yoghurt - sounds good.


  13. Y'all are so funny. I can picture the whole scene at the ramp and the elevator. Along with the banter between you and LD.
