Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Counting Down the Days

Today has been quiet here in Amber's hospital room. She gets to mark one more day off now.

She does this at the END of each day.

A friend of the family came up today bearing lunch from Luby's.
Baked Fish Almondine, green beans, corn, potatoes and a big dinner roll.
Luby's is one of Amber's favorite places and has been since she was a little girl.
Carol said Amber is at the top of her prayer list each and every morning.

This afternoon she and I watched a movie one of the nurses loaned her.

The Vow

"Life as Kim and Krickitt Carpenter knew it was shattered beyond recognition on November 24, 1993, two months after their marriage, when their Ford Escort was hit from behind by a fast-moving truck. A massive head injury left Krickitt in a coma for weeks. When she finally emerged from the coma, she recognized her parents and everyone else-but she didn't know Kim. She had no idea who he was. The "Krickitt" Kim had married essentially died in the accident. The Vow is the true tale of the reconstruction of two lives and a marriage after an event so shattering that most others would have parted ways long ago. Though it was not easy, and it tested every fiber of who they were, Kim and Krickitt fell in love all over again."

Now Amber is NOT a chick flick kinda girl but we both enjoyed this film.

We spent a little time checking out some new recipes.
This magazine was in a recent care package from one of my blogger friends.
She is in the midst of an exciting and super busy time herself. He darling daughter is getting married! And yet she took the time to send prayers along with some 'comfort' things. Nothing like a good cup of tea and some sweets while checking out a new mag!
Thank you, Pondside!

A normal hospital routine consist of a multitude of tasks.

They monitor the heartbeats of all four babies for a half hour every day.
IV changes, blood checks for her sugar level, progesterone injection,
and on and on........

You will see these stickers in future photo shoots!
Amber ordered them off of an etsy shop.....Little Baby Bumblebee.
The owner had to create a new listing in order for her to purchase FOUR sets!
Our friend who had triplets in February put her on to these.
She has learned so much from Mary and others who have shared their tips and experiences. Mary does the cutest photos of her Little Trips!

This pic was from last night's feeding frenzy!
The dogs are sure missing Amber!

Louis Dean and I sit out here in the back every evening.

We have our routine down pretty pat now.
Tomorrow will be a bit different since he's coming up here for the day as well.

All the nurses are cheering Amber on as she nears her 28 week goal!

She is doing all she can - growing those baby quads!!
Her latest blog post: "The "Q" Word"

You can DO it, Amber!!!

Yes, you CAN!


  1. Gosh, she's doing so well. So close to the finish line! It's getting more and more exciting as each day goes by. It's so good that her body is not letting her down right now.

  2. Another great day towards Amber's goal, yay! Those fingers and toes are still crossed for you all.

  3. This will all be just a memory one day soon. She is an amazing trouper. And you are, too. You all are. I hope that she was able to enjoy some of that delicious sounding meal from Luby's. I've heard of that place before though we don't have them here.

    What a nice little diversion from Pondside. Very. Chocolate is always welcome as is reading material.

    That movie sounds good. I remember seeing that couple be interviewed on some show or other. They have quite a testimony.

  4. I am so happy for Amber...she is SO close to the end! Or the beginning! ;-D She has been patient and as I always say, you are a wonderful mother. I'd definitely want you on my team!


  5. Linda,
    I am so happy for you and Amber and the quads. Said some prayers for each of you this morning.

    Happy 28 weeks. :)

  6. ooohhhh we are getting so close. i LOVED the vow!!

  7. So happy all is going well....I think about all of you and keep you in my prayers

  8. She's doing it - what a gal! I'm so glad she liked the magazine and treats.

  9. Linda thanks for the update, I'm so glad to hear that all is well, as well as can be carrying 4 beautiful babies. Amber you're amazing, totally amazing!

  10. How did quad mom's ever get along without technology? ;o) Thanks to technology Amber has been able to connect to mom's of multiples all over.
    Looks like it took a lot of effort for that arm to raise up. Poor darling but she's tough and determined. Way to go Amber. And YOU, You are a great mom and support to her.
