Friday, April 20, 2012

It's Been a GOOD Day!

That's one of my mother's favorite things to say. And that's what yesterday was - a GOOD day!

Amber felt a little better than she has been feeling - they continue to adjust her magnesium sulphate/Indocin/etc. and this will continue until the quads are born.
Saturday will mark 24 weeks......the first huge milestone toward safe arrival of these four babies.

She is already measuring 40+ weeks......and still growing!

She doesn't STAND up for very long at a time any more so I was quick to snap a few pics. This is my favorite. What an amazing couple they are!

This is Amber's 'Table of Encouragement' which is what she views all day long from her hospital bed.

These young friends came up to see where Amber and Mike are living these days!
They had their parents bring Fajitas for was like a PARTY!!
Amber misses PEOPLE so much but has not felt up to actually visiting.
But like I said - it was a GOOD day!
I pray she has MORE as she continues to 'GROW' those babies!

This morning I gave the doggies their last few treats and a little attention before I head back to Dallas. I cannot BELIEVE they like fruit so much!!

Jersey is Amber's dog and of the three - SHE likes apples the BEST!

Shiner eats them but bananas are still his favorite.
He has allergies and is now a vegetarian - that's the reason they began giving fruit for treats......and of course if ONE dog gets them, they ALL do!

Reese is asking me, "WHY do you have to leave us?"

 The week has flown by. Amber frets about me getting bored when I am up at the hospital. I have not been bored since 1973!
There is always SOMETHING to do!!

Right now that 'something' is to get home to Louis Dean!
I am headed that way now and I intend to arrive bearing a gift!
Apricot pie from Collin Street Bakery!

I think I shall buy a WHOLE pie - not just one slice to share!


  1. So happy to hear all is well.
    Have pie will travel!

  2. So glad to hear this good report. We'll just keep praying Amber through this pregnancy.

    The dogs are so cute. They must miss their "grandma" when you aren't there.

    Have a safe trip home to LD and enjoy that pie!

  3. Amber looks fantastic. She's doing a great job and deserves many good days. Have a lovely piece of pie with your hubby and some nice beverage, too, out under the stars or in the shade.

  4. I'm so happy that Amber is feeling well. I am sure she gets very bored but she has YOU!

    The pups are so pretty! My Milo loves fruit and vegetables...actually, he loves just about anything!

    Have a great weekend, Linda, and enjoy your pie!


  5. I look forward to your good news. Thanks you for sharing your love and family.

  6. What a lady you are...hope your weekend is wonderful!

  7. What a schedule you have these days! I'm so glad that Amber is able to smile - such a sweet photo of the two of them.

  8. So glad Amber is soon to hit a big milestone. Fantastic!
    I don't know how you spread yourself so thin and never complain - I don't think I could do it. Get some rest and recharge your batteries, GF.

  9. So glad things are going well! The picture of the two of them is beautiful!

  10. So happy to hear all is well with Amber, the pictures are sweet, and those 3 furbabies are spoiled but cute:)
    Safe travels back to Dallas, the Apricot pie sounds yummy!!

  11. Linda, Your daughter is so brave. I am praying for all of you. I hope there will be plenty of helpers when the babies are here. Smiles to all, Susie

  12. Amber is very lucky to have a mother like you! My thoughts are with you all.

  13. Phew. They are going to keep her on that until the very end - with an IV? Gosh I think she has a tremendous amount of will power. God bless her. sandie

  14. it must be so difficult for her.

    this is great news, keeping everything crossed!!

  15. Great report on your lovely pregnant sweet girl! Many blessings for her and all of you! Lots of hugs,

  16. Thinking of all of you. I think you are doing swell. So nice you can spend the time with your daughter. I think of you a lot and know you are on the home stretch !!

  17. O, I can hardly wait to see all these babies...I think of all of you often and include prayers for all in my Blog Blanket Prayers.
    And...I am pretty sure that when we all get to Heaven, we will get to have APRICOT PIE every single day. It is my all time favorite. And, LD deserves it...:)
    xo bj

  18. So happy all is well, and that you are getting home for a while. I'm sure LD was happy to see you pull in. :-)

  19. Glad to see all is going well for Mom and the little ones.. My dof Trixie ate just about anything. She would even eat the grapes off the vine that she could reach.. Take care Elaine

  20. Hospital better watch out for'll be decorating the walls. So glad Amber is continuing to do well.
