Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Gatekeeper

Meet Trystan Lee......
also known as 'The Gatekeeper.'

That's what they call the baby at the bottom of the heap in a quad pregnancy!
I love her little arm!

Today was the sonogram and Amber was relieved to see all her babies!
They were each moving around quite a bit and their little hearts were pumping away!

As good as the news of the sonogram and her cervix still measuring 3.7 -
she has had a pretty miserable day. The Mag IV takes its toll. The monotony of being in a hospital bed 24/7 - even though she doesn't FEEL like getting up - can grate on her nerves. And today it did. She must be horizontal MOST of the time which limits  her ability to do even simple things to take her mind off of her many concerns and the overwhelming discomfort she is in.

48 hours of the magnesium sulphate is up but they have not discontinued it as of yet.
Her blood pressure was up a bit this morning so now they are watching and doing some tests to rule out eclampsia or PRE eclampsia. Seems this magnesium is the go to thing for all sorts of conditions! She will know by 10 am if she will be IV free for a time.

Mike is on his way with dinner. Amber can only handle two hospital meals a day.
Tonight is dinner and a movie!
Panda Express and Ghost Protocol

I was only going to post one photo but I think I will close with one more!

Logan Lee!
Just look at that cute little profile!

OK! TWO more!!
Here is Logan with her feet over her head!
I am loving this one.
She may be a gymnast!
I would not be a bit surprised.
Neither would Amber! She has been feeling this baby's every twist and turn!


  1. Oh those little girls are sooo cute even at this stage!!
    Continued prayers for Amber.

  2. So glad the sonograms showed healthy, active babies! Amber has been such a trooper but even the strongest of troopers grow weary at times. I know each of you must be exhausted. Praying for the entire family.

  3. I hope that they have lots of suggestions for what to do to while time away when Amber is feeling so uncomfortable. Does she enjoy audio books? I do on long car rides when one is "stuck." Seems that Amber is pretty "stuck" right now. God love her and all of you working so hard to keep her encouraged. You raised a courageous gal there. Loved seeing the babies' photos. It's just awesome.

  4. Okay Grandma... I can't imagine the picture after they are born...if this is any indication!!! LOL.... I feel your excitement!! take care all of you....

  5. You know what - these kids will never know what momma went through for real - she is a great mom already. Prayers for her and those sweet babies. sandie

  6. so happy you are keeping us posted...I think about Amber every day...and those sweet babies....

  7. so happy you are keeping us posted...I think about Amber every day...and those sweet babies....

  8. Wow...four little ones! Her pregnancy probably makes most people's look like a walk in the park. Great sonogram pics! Congrats to her.

  9. So cute! All the best to Amber. I am a new follower from Rome!

  10. Bless her heart, I know she must be miserable. I've had several friends have to take the mag and they all talk about how terrible the side effects of that medicine are. Continued prayers for Amber and babies. Hoping all is well with her blood pressure. Keep us update Linda & try to keep a smile on that beautiful girls face :)

  11. Amazing...with the sonogram images....I am completely in awe and speechless. Hope the health of ALL continue to be monitored and kept stable.

  12. Good news and not-so-good news.

    Gentle hugs...

  13. I know you have too much on your mind, to bother about such stuff as below, but...

    Did you post this, before the NEW BLOGGER CRAP-O-LA was installed this morning/Thurs.???

    My only words for this NEW BLOGGER CRAP-O-LA, are...

    "Damn, damn, damn, DAMN!"
    ~Professor Henry Higgins
    Quote from "My Fair Lady"

  14. oooohhh goosebumps and chills!!

    they are really real, i think they look just like you!! (wink)!!

  15. Wow! So amazing!

    Thanks so much for the follow. I came here on the recommendation of a blogger friend--and I'm so glad I did! :)

  16. Precious! Good for that wee Gatekeeper....she has her work cut out for her!

  17. Wow, the babies are so adorable and precious. I'd be posting a ton of photos as well! Thank you for sharing this journey with us Linda, Amber is such a strong lady and all things considered she's holding up very well!

  18. wow!! amazing!
    wishing you all a quiet, peaceful uneventful weekend!

  19. It makes you wonder how in the heck they keep from coming out with a black or something. Love Logan with her feet over her head.
