Saturday, March 17, 2012

'WATT' a Collection!!!

My sister, Nita, has collected Watt Pottery for the last 20 years. In 1992 she spotted an old Watt bowl in our mother's garage that had belonged to our Aunt Viola. She loved it and that first sighting has lead her in accumulating a fascinating collection!

I borrowed Louis Dean's fancy camera so I could take some 'good' pictures of her collection. Alas, I am not a photographer and these pics do not do her collection the justice it deserves..........

The Watt Pottery Company was operated by the Watt family in Perry County, Ohio from 1922-1965. My sister's favorite pattern - as you can see! - is the Apple.

The pottery was used as advertising giveaways.

A devastating fire in 1965 ended over 40 years of production.

Nita has an extensive and beautiful collection.

I love looking around at all the beautiful things when I go over there for the Beauty Shop Run on Fridays!

Her collection exceeded the space along the top of her kitchen so her handy husband
designed and crafted these shelves.

Their kitchen and rec room featured a happy go lucky 70's style!

Another collection of Nita's!

A corner of her elegant living room.........

I LOVE her furnishings. This sofa is super comfy!
The carpet is beautiful!

This is a favorite place for the mothers of young children to sit.
There's room for several here!

This lamp fascinates me. Nita and Mike buy vintage things and I feel certain this was one of their finds.

I especially like the way she has layered the draping on the shade.

The light at the bottom of the lamp makes it even more unique!

This concludes a brief tour of her living room.

I have just hit the hi-lites of their collections. They have one of the most interesting homes I have ever been in! No wonder it is a favorite gathering place for our family!
And no wonder Mother enjoys living here so much!
There is always something to look at and they continue to add to the many different collections they have.

My sister's house! Such a fun place to visit!!



  1. Oh goodness, what a beautiful home!

    I love her collection. My mom is an apple collector so she would go CRAZY over it. She has apple things everywhere in her kitchen.

    Mom used to collect Pilgrim Glass when I was little. She has several very beautiful pieces. They closed shop a few years ago and she was so sad.

    I LOVE the cloth layered over the shade. Such a smart idea. It gives that light so much character.

    Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed!

  2. Not only an elegant room but cosy too. I especially like the sideboard with all the pictures in!

  3. Thanks for sharing your sister's home with us. We gals do love to "window peek". Beautiful, comfy furniture.

  4. It's always fun to have the tour. What a wonderful pottery collection. And that last piece is so interesting. My grandmother had a lamp similar to the one you mentioned. Hers came out during WWII and was used whenever there were blackouts because such a small light could not be seen once the windows were covered or so she told me.

  5. that is one lovely home...beautiful collections and great furniture...

  6. I LOVE the layering of a cloth of some sort, over a lamp!!!!

    And am always afraid it will catch fire...

    So I don't do it.

    -moan- -pout- -sigh-

  7. Thanks for the tour, Linda. We do like our home tours! I love that pottery collection.

  8. Beautiful collection and what a comfy cozy home. I'd love to have my home look so cozy... I'm working on it in all my spare time, at this rate my granddaughter will be married when I get my home the way I imagine it to be! lol

    Have a wonderful week!

  9. a very nice collection Linda...

  10. Thanks for sharing her lovely home.
    I'm sure your mom finds your home a treat to visit too.
