Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Great Camper Clean UP!!

It has begun! Friday afternoon Louis Dean and I ventured into this project!
We put the first dent in this mountain of a task!
NOW I know he did not really take those Goodwill bags I have been giving him all the way to the Goodwill!
They are there now, though!

Saturday we dropped off a trunk load at Goodwill on our way to meet some of the family at a great Chinese Buffet in Haltom City.

My sister, Luann, (from Tennessee) is in town so we met up with her and her husband and one of her sons and his family along with Summer and Sabrina.
She had carted a trunk load of good things for the quads which I will be taking with me in the morning when I head back down to Houston.

We struck this pose in honor of Amber and the quads!
I think Amber is becoming a kind of celebrity now.
She certainly deserves to be!
Luann has been keeping up with all the developments through Facebook and blogs.
I love modern methods of communication!

We couldn't resist taking a funny pic!

Saturday night I went to a birthday party for a sister blogger!
I love how the world of blog has opened the door to so many new friendships!
I didn't get a pic of the party - Deb is a genuine photographer - but you can visit her beautiful blog HERE!
She has the most beautiful photos as well as her own business selling cards, totes and such! Check it out!

I was having fun at the party but I had left Louis Dean home napping.
After awhile I tried to call and check on him but he never I had to leave a perfectly wonderful party to run home and make sure he was OK.
He was doing just what I thought (and hoped and prayed!)....
in the den watching TV. It was turned up so loud he couldn't even HEAR his phone!

Now today I have packed and loaded my car.
This blue bag from IKEA actually belongs to my friend, Candie!
Candie, I WILL get it back to you!! I just keep using it and using it!
I have all sorts of good things in there......from sugar cookies for Mike to denim quilt makings for Lisa's baby (Amber's best friend who is also pregnant) to my stash of Diet Cokes!

Now - back to the Camper Clean UP! LD is out there now so I best go join him.
Our goal is to clean it OUT and then fix it UP!
There doesn't seem to be any damage. Just junk and clutter.
I am beginning to get excited! A whole new area I can DECORATE!
I told him how much FUN it would be to make this camper look just like HOME!!
Folks, you SHOULD have seen the shocked look on his face!
I think this was the first time he realized I am taking on new territory!


  1. I am so happy you joined us Linda ....thank you for the wonderful gift the wine bottle light is awesome....have a safe trip to Houston

  2. Your hubby is so cute and quite a character. He's the one I'm watching in that series of photos while the rest of you ham it up. Not Louis Dean! Makes me laugh.

  3. the hubs looks like a jolly soul!!

    good luck with the camper!!

  4. You have quite a job in front of you with that camper. I wish I could have seen the look on LD's face when you told him it would look like home. LOL. Have a safe trip!

  5. LOL I would have loved to see his face when you told him you're going to fix up the camper!

    The day sounds, and looks, like tons of fun. Getting together with those you love is wonderful!

    Have a safe journey, cheers.

  6. Hi Linda!
    I was with Chrislyn and Holland this weekend. I'm just now catching with my visiting. It looks like you and LD are as busy as usual with projects.

    You are always in the midst of joy and laughter, my friend! Thanks for
    inviting us in to share in the fun!

    How nice that you were able to meet a blog friend! I hope to meet a few in our neck of the woods sometime soon!
    Have a lovely week!

  7. Sounds like you had a pretty great weekend friend! I had to laught at you taking over LD's territory. Isn't it funny how us ladies have a tendency to do that?

    Have a good week!

  8. Okay I am a friend of Debbie and we are both on her new facebook account - I liked your answers back to her and thought we sounded a lot alike. Thought I'd stop by and say hello.

    Your camping adventure sounds like fun.

    He put the goodwill bags in the camper - sounds like what my husband would do!


  9. How long will you be staying in Houston this time? Have a safe trip and keep dreaming and anticipating all those new grandbabies that are on their way!

  10. I bet you're better than and finished the denim quilt for Lisa. I'm too damn slow. The quads will be a year old at the rate I'm going. LOL well kinda
