Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart!"

Proverbs 27:9 is one of my favorite scriptures.

I love fragrance! Every morning I put on earrings and perfume no matter what!

Yesterday I made bouquets of fragrant herbs to perfume the house.....

rosemary, mint and some cedar clippings. When I open the front door I want to be greeted with the good smells of HOME!

The Carolina Jasmine is blooming - and has been for a few weeks now!

The perennials have returned.
I am not planting any more annuals! They don't seem to do well for me.
I have never claimed to be a true gardener! It needs to be hardy to survive around here!

I love the wisteria from Stephanie's yard next door.
This old dead branch is home to a multitude of birds!!

I had to peek over her fence to snap this pic. I'm sure she won't mind.
One of life's great pleasures is to have good neighbors! And I DO!!

This morning we sat out in the gazebo with our books and coffee.

First time we have been out here this MONTH! I moved all three circles to get the calendar up to date!

While Lucy was already out here with us......little Maggie wasn't so sure SHE should come!

She kept peeking up over the chair until finally she got enough courage to venture out!

She was rewarded with a lot of attention.

We had the BEST morning! Seems both of us are feeling unusually productive today.
LD is banging around in his room fixing things to his liking. I am in spring cleaning mode and have spent the greater part of the afternoon on my bedroom and bathroom. I am already packing for my next trip to Amber's. The little rolling bag with zippered compartments will be kept ready to go at a moment's notice. I am putting a complete set of toiletries/makeup/hair products so I don't have to UNpack and REpack each time. When Amber and Ben were growing up I had a big van. We could have LIVED in that thing. Sometimes I DID! I kept a small suitcase packed for us at all times plus a basket of bottled water and snacks. These came in handy on more than a few occasions. I still miss that van! But not the dent it put in my budget to drive it!

I am surprised to see how long this pretty bouquet has lasted.
Summer bought it March 3rd for the Quad Party that day.
STILL pretty today!!

I am thinking about Amber as I prepare to go back to my cleaning projects.
She is on modified bed rest which means she can't get up and run around the house doing all the things she normally does. I am getting my house in order so I can return to HER house! I don't want to miss any more of the QUADRUPLET project than I have to! When I go I will be taking yet another load of baby things from another sister who is heading to Texas as I write. I know Amber is tired and exhausted just trying to eat enough and rest enough so these babies can grow. However, there are so many friends and family members enjoying this journey with her! We will not be going down this road again so I don't want to miss a thing! 


  1. I am glad you are enjoying your week at home, and I'm glad you're coming back! We're keeping things in good order since both you and the house cleaner helped get them that way. I think next week will be pretty easy, and I will be so glad for the company! Love you!

  2. I know you can hardly wait to go back to A&M's. I'm sure Amber is looking forward to the company and Mike is looking forward to a little help around the house and litter boxes!.

  3. Ohhhh the aroma which comes from growing flowers! Sooooo sweeeeeet!

    Maggie is such a beauty. And she has a collar, to match her eyes! How cute is that?!?

    "...the sun coming out after a spell of March rain ... The countryside glistens and the sound of the brooks running between ferny banks is music."
    ~Gladys Taber

  4. Your family is just the salt of the earth sort of people that anyone would love and appreciate for family. I know that Amber appreciates you both very much. Yes, there'll be a lot of family running this race with her every step of the way and enjoying the journey. Hope that Amber is staying comfortable on this modified bed rest.

  5. I love your idea of an herbal bouquet. I just might be borrowing that from you. Your garden is so pretty. It's been warm here today too. So nice to have this kind of weather where I don't have to bundle up.

    I know Amber and Mike appreciate your visits. Even though I'm not family I'm enjoying the journey vicariously with you.

  6. It sounds like your home is smelling wonderful. I need some fresh flowers so I can put away the Glade! lol!

    Be safe on your next trip.


  7. it's been a great week...I love my Rosemary...

  8. Glad to hear you are enjoying your time at home. I'm sure you are so eager to get back to Amber though. This is such a precious time in your lives!

  9. Glad you are in your gazebo... when I go home...I won't be able to get into mine until May at i am just thankful we have this time down south...we can enjoy the warm weather!...What an exciting time for you with those babies coming!!

  10. You are so organized, good for you! The scents must be amazing, perenials are fantastic and you sure have a lot of color already. I wonder if my perenials are going to come up this year... June is coming soon enough so I'll find out when I get home.

    You are amazing Linda, absolutely amazing and you inspire me to no end! Have a wonderful day, cheers.

  11. Love your blog, but I especially love your calendar. I thought I was the only one who never knew what day it is.
    I so admire you with all your idea's and energy - fantastic !

    Come see my new header and tell me what you think ?
    Had some help, this time around.
    Off to the store.......

  12. Happy to know you're enjoying your time at home and I can imagine the sweet smell of your flowers. My fav thing to do is enjoy staying home. Love that white kitty, adorable. Thank you for your lovely visit and have a great weekend.

  13. It definitely looks likespring has arrived over in your corner! Where I live...we will have quite a wait yet before the wisteria is blooming.

    That one-year Bible lying on your table looks very familiar. I have the same one...well used over the years.

    Hope the bed-rest agrees with Amber. All the best on your travels.

  14. it is my first time to visit your page and everything feels so homey here...those flowers are a treat to the eyes and little Maggie is so cute!

  15. No cedar for me but I'll take the rosemary and mint. ;o)

    Don't know how you do it all. And LD..
