Tuesday, March 13, 2012

'It's just TEMPORARY!'

That's what I said in 1983. We had a house fire in June of that year and had to gut the whole house.

I bought this cupboard for the bathroom to go with the one we had in there. However, I needed something for storage in the dining room so I decided to use it temporarily in there! That was nearly 29 years ago!!!

I did indeed need the storage! This is where I have kept my hammer, nails, paint, craft supplies and various and sundry things for, lo, these many years!!  

Yesterday I emptied it all out, cleaned it up and put it in the BATHROOM where it belonged in the first place!!
Finally!! Now, after 6 1/2 years of marriage, Louis Dean has a place to put his clothes other than in baskets!

In its place I put this pretty bookcase from Louis Dean's music room.
I need to fix a few places where he boogered it up.....
but I am loving it in here!!
It just took a few minutes to fill it with pretty things!
See the bottom doors?
That's where the hammer and nails live!
I would never find them if they were totally relocated!

While I was at it I decided to go ahead and set the table for a spring dinner.

Recycled packing material and plastic eggs look good together on a birch bark wreath!

Wall to wall furniture.
Works for me!!

So where and what did we eat for dinner last night?

Cheese, crackers, olives and wine outside!

Today Louis Dean is on his music room reorganizing now that he got rid of that big bookcase! I can hear him in there singing along with Waylon. He gets on kicks of listening to a certain artist. I'm just grateful he's not in the mood for Lefty Frizzell!!

While the weather is pretty I am going to work in the yard.
Weed. Edge. Trim.
I can't mow yet as there remains a gash across the lawn where LD dug the trench that saved the den from flooding. The drain pipe is in there so all he has to do is cover it up with dirt and lay some St. Augustine grass sod down.
Wait just a MINUTE!! I bet I could cover that ditch up myself!
Covering it UP has GOT to be easier than digging it in the first place!
If I start he will probably come out and hep me finish it!
Team work!

"Spring has sprung!
The grass has riz!
I wonder where the FLOWERS is!"

 I had a plaque with this quote on a wall for years and years!
I wonder where that plaque is!


  1. Glad you finally got your furniture situated. All those years growing up, I thought it just belonged there! The Easter centerpiece is really pretty. And I'm jealous of your dinner & wine... can't wait to have a glass of red and some feta cheese, lol.

  2. Mom, you be careful filling in that trench. Why don't you get some of the neighborhood boys to help you. Treat them to your famous chocolate chip cookies and milk.
    Glad you kept the hammer & nails in the corner, I wouldn't know where to look.
    Pace yourself! Love ya!

  3. Looks like a little Spring cleaning has gotten into your home. It certainly is a good time of year to start! I'm sure LD is glad to have more storage. Sounds like y'all are having nice weather in TX like we are in GA. It rained this morning, but now the skies are clear and it's hot and muggy. I plan on helping my husband work in the yard tomorrow myself. It needs some serious sprucing up!

  4. You are both so busy. So much going on in your home.

  5. What a busy gal you are.
    It all looks great!

  6. Wall to wall furniture works for me to. I just love. Cozy is all that matters. Home sweet home <3 Tks for shring it was a delight <3 Tink

  7. I think KY has skipped Spring! We just dove straight into summer. It's 80 degrees here today!!!

    I love looking at all your decor. Your so talented when it comes to decorating. You make everything look beautiful :)

    Enjoy your day Linda

  8. I'm getting exhausted reading your posts, wow, you're one busy lady! Your house is so warm and welcoming and I love how you decorate just because you can... very nice!

  9. You two need to slow down a bit. Dang you make me look lazy. I'm with Summer have a neighborhood kid fill in the trench and feed him cookies.
    Like the egg nest!
