Saturday, February 4, 2012

Morenci Candles

There is a little upscale boutique resale shop next to where Mother gets her hair done over in Fort Worth.
They also sell Morenci Candles! Oh, MY!! They are THE most fragrant candles EVER!! I bought one in December and burned every last drop of wax in it!

The Morenci Candles burn slow and evenly and ONE candle can scent your entire house! Seriously! With the all the water clean up from the den flooding recently - it wasn't ENOUGH that my house did not smell BAD! I wanted it to smell GOOD!
A Morenci Candle did the trick. They are a family owned and operated business here in Texas.  The Yankee candles are wonderful but Morenci ones are even BETTER!

I know Scentsy things are all the rage and I have a couple of those as well. My DIL gave me one for Christmas which I keep safely plugged in my bathroom. The other one I have moved from plug to plug looking for that perfect place where neither Louis Dean nor I will bump it and send wax everywhere! I THOUGHT I had finally found it! A plug by the kitchen table. LD seldom does anything but walk by this table! Alas, when I came home yesterday there was wax all over my lamp shade, place mats and the glass table top. He bumped THAT plug on his way to another one he wanted to use for his phone charger! I removed it until I find a more secure spot!

Back to the Morenci Candles! I went in yesterday and chose one based on simply sniffing! Today as I lit it I wondered about the NAME of the fragrance.
Guess what it is?


How appropriate!!! I am off now to finish those little preemie nightgowns for the quad squad! Perfect atmosphere for sewing baby clothes around here today!


  1. Oh I can just smell those candles Linda! I love fragrant candles as they're so welcoming when you walk in the door! Lovely. Hugs,

  2. I'm also your newest follower...hope you like to also, so we don't miss each others posts! Happy weekend.

  3. Linda,
    I'm with you when it comes to the melted wax burners. Chrislyn's mom in law sells Gold Canyon Candles. I bought a burner from her, never dreaming that I would constantly worry about it tipping and making a mess. Next, I found out that the wax fragrance only lasts about 25 hrs!

    I can just see you sewing the little preemie frocks while wrapped in the fragrance of your new baby powder candle!

    Keep Well!

  4. Baby Powder- now that is a fitting scent for you to be burning :)

  5. Enjoy that Baby Powder...while you sew!!

  6. Oh my, I can smell that sweet scent from here! I can't wait to see those little nightgowns, I'm sure they are made full of love!

  7. Haha that is truly funny. Thank you so much for all you're already doing - and the things to come, too! I am so glad I am able to share all these experiences with my mom. :)

  8. the candles sound great. We here in California have not had much of a winter, it gets a bit cold and it has rained a little , but mostly it feels like apring and I love the coziness of winter.

  9. That sounds like an awesome scent, I love the smell of baby powder. Ooops with the bit of wax spill, I hope you got it cleaned up without a problem. I wonder if you took ice cubes and froze the wax if it would sort of chunk off. In theory that sounds good! lol

  10. I've never heard of that brand of candle before. Must be good though. I love scented candles too. So glad that they are helping to freshen up your house after the flood.

  11. I am wondering where you found them in FW?

  12. There is a little upscale boutique resale shop next to where Mother gets her hair done over in Fort Worth.
    Triple and strong scented candles
    luxury scented candles
