Sunday, February 5, 2012

I Must Have BLINKED!!

I finished sewing the baby gowns and have them all packed up! I will leave for Houston tomorrow. I haven't seen Amber since Christmas. She is now in her second trimester of the Bell Quad Squad Pregnancy! I can't wait to SEE her!!

I am taking a bag of Hugs and Kisses.

Recently we had to move things and clean up after  a seriously heavy rain resulted in water in the den. My house is so 'highly occupied' that there are no 'empty' spaces!

When we pulled the sofa away from the wall I discovered all these photos!
Seemed like a perfect place to store them at the time!

This is the first family picture of all four of my children.
Benjamin is three months old here.
I had been nine months pregnant at my oldest son's high school graduation in the spring of 1988. Bless his heart! He is now the father of three! An EXCELLENT father I might add!

This last one of all of us was taken the next year - 1989.
I had been diagnosed with an aggressive strain of thyroid cancer in October and had just recovered from surgery.

This is my favorite. Poor Amber! Just LOOK at that huge bow in her hair!
I am SO sorry, Honey!!
(Wonder what horrors SHE will do as a mother?)

I usually managed to put some kind of bow or headband in her hair!!

Hard to believe my little girl is all grown up and expecting children of her own. While these pictures are dated - I am still so glad to have them. Louis Dean even wanted me to frame and hang them!  (As if we had the wall space!!) He and I did not meet until I was well into my 50's! At least we don't remember meeting. As it turns out, he and Ellen often visited here in Irving because that's where Ellen's sister lives. Still does. They would go out to eat, shop, browse garage sales. We both have memories of the same places here in Irving. Our paths probably crossed at one point in time or another for all we know.
Lifetimes ago for both of us.

Amber is such a gifted photographer. I will be so interested to see how she does pictures of her family. I feel certain she won't do studio shots.
Both Jesse and Summer keep the photo memories of their little ones all up to date.
They will never regret this.

All this reminiscing reminds me of that Kenny Chesney song.......

I turned on the evening news
Saw a old man being interviewed
Turning a hundred and two today
Asked him what's the secret to life
He looked up from his old pipe
Laughed and said "All I can say is."


Don't blink

Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think

So don't blink

I was glued to my TV when it looked like he looked at me and said
"Best start putting first things first."
Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand
You can't flip it over and start again
Take every breathe God gives you for what it's worth

Don't Blink
So don't blink

So I've been tryin' ta slow it down
I've been tryin' ta take it in
In this here today, gone tomorrow world we're livin' in


Don't blink
So Don't blink

Naw, don't blink
Life Goes Faster Than You Think


  1. Look how young you were? You were very pretty (and still are). I didn't realize what a large family you have. I can imagine that it really does feel like a lifetime ago. That's how I feel now when I look back at pictures of me with my first born. What in the world will I think when I'm a grandmother?! So glad that you're going to be visiting your daughter soon. I'm sure you will be touching her growing belly alot! Ha! I bet she's looking forward to having you visit too.

  2. Lovely family pictures, thank you for sharing. Save trip.

  3. I love family pictures, everyone's! Watching the SBowl and reading blogs. Happy Sunday and I love your background too.

  4. That's a trip down memory lane! And yes, that was a BIG bow, ha. I am looking forward to having some creative photos done of our new family and also getting a new camera so I can pictures of own kids! Can't wait to see you tomorrow.

  5. Thank you for sharing your photos. You are right, time flies by so quickly. I've been thinking myself lately "Where does it all go?" Have a safe trip and keep us updated.

  6. great photos Linda...I always put big boys on my daughter too...guess it didn't scar her too much....Have fun with Amber....

  7. You have such a lovely family, Linda...thanks for sharing these pictures. Honestly, you still look the same, older, but the same. And beautiful!

    Fate is funny. My hubby was in college in my hometown when I was just 10. I suppose we wouldn't have looked twice at each other...which is good! lol!


  8. I love that song and oh how true it is. Life just seems to fly right on by us!

    What great family pictures. I truly enjoyed seeing them. Thanks for posting :)

    Enjoy your visit with Amber. I can't imagine HOW much you guys will have to talk about this visit :)

  9. Great family photos life does go by so fast I get a lot of enjoyment from your blog thanks

  10. I loved your family photos, Linda. What a pretty mum you were/are! You are lucky to have that beautiful record of your children's child hoods.

  11. Great Photos, Linda! Gotta love the 80's! (We have our share of photos with big hair, side ponytails and curly bows!)

    The tiny quad hugs and kisses layette is adorable!

    Kenny's music was a favorite choice when I would drive to visit the kids at college. I haven't listened to him for quite awhile. I may need to crank it up again!

    Have a wonderful visit with Amber!

  12. Thank you for sharing your "Past Life" with us, my Dear.

    They were behind the sofa! That answers a question I have had... Do you even put pics, "behind" furniture? Yes you do!!! :-)

    Have a safe trip! And a lovely visit!

  13. Such beautiful family photos. I'm sure that the kids will be glad that you found them. Louis Dean sounds like a dear man to want you to put them up on the wall...I'm sure you could find space for your favorite. It says that you've both had a former life and that you're enjoying your current one. "Don't blink" is a very appropriate sentiment and so very true.

  14. I can identify with that...'Don't blink'! Time hurries on.

    It's so fun to have the memories documented with photos! I love your old family pictures.

  15. Family photos... gotta treasure them and then.... That was a big bow. LOL
    You haven't changed a bit. Still beautiful and a bright smile that lights up any room.
    I'm like you I can't wait to see what creative way Amber displays her family photos. ;o)
