Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our Christmas Guest Room is FULL......of CATS!!

The guest room was all ready when our little feline guests arrived!
Extra litter box was in place and a cover for the velvet spread was on the bed.
The radio was on low and tuned in to WRR 101.1 Classical Music station.

Amber and Mike flew out yesterday for a week in Milan, Italy.

His parents have custody of the grand dogs.....
here they are sleeping en route to Dallas.

We got the cats!
They are both on medications.
Thyroid Rx morning and night for July......
I dissolve it in a little dish of salmon juice -
we had salmon patties last night for dinner.
Snowball gets insulin shots twice a day.

Now our little Maggie USUALLY has the run of that room!
However, this morning I had left the door ajar and Maggie was heading INTO the guest room as Snowball was going OUT!
Both are white cats and they took an immediate dislike to each other!
Lots of hissing and snarling!
Snowball is STILL in a bad mood hours later!

Perhaps the Christmas tree and pretty music will calm her down.....
before it is time to give her the next insulin injection!

Amber and Mike will be home the day before Christmas Eve.
It will be snug and cozy in the guest room with all four of them!

It is the best part of the Christmas Season for me.
The decorating is all done.
The house will soon be smelling of cinnamon and cloves, nutmeg and ginger as I bake Fruitcake cookies later tonight.
I have been wrapping the gifts and planning my menus - making a grocery list.
Mother, Louis Dean and I are all going to Granbury to the new HEB to buy our 'Christmas Groceries' tomorrow!
We will be hosting a small dinner party on Sunday and a Ladies Christmas Tea on Tuesday.
Wednesday I am having my favorite neighbor kids in for crafts and candy making and then their parents will join us for dinner after which Louis Dean will read 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas.'

I hope everyone is having as much fun this December as I am!

I will ALWAYS remember this year as one of the best EVER!!
God has been so good to me and mine! I can never thank Him enough for the amazing blessings he has bestowed upon us!

"God bless us, everyone."


  1. Oh Dear One, that is so funny, about the kitty-cats. Gracious, but yours must be miffed too. Imagine! Guest Kitties! Eeeeek! Did you consult her, before doing this? -giggles-

    Those kids do have a lovely time. This time to Milan. -Be still my heart- :-)

    Everything sounds delightful my Dear. As usual.

    You enjoy life. And it shines through, in your blog. And thus, you are an inspiration. For any of those days when we might get "down in the dumps." ,-) (Remember that old saying??? "Down in the dumps.")

    Please may I have the recipe for Fruitcake Cookies?!? "Uncle A." loves Fruitcake and I haven't made it in ages. Betcha' he'd be pleased with Fruitcake Cookies!!!

    Gentle hugs,
    "It is good to be children sometimes,
    And never better than at Christmas."

    ~~Charles Dickens

  2. never seems to slow down for you! I wish I had half your energy! The tale {tail} of the kitties is cute. I am a dog person but I love the personalities of cats! You are playing nurse as well! or would that be vet?

    The cookies sound marvelous...a great way for people to try fruitcake for the first time, like me!

    Happy Holidays to you and Louis Dean!


  3. Linda!
    It's a good thing that you are decorated because you are oh so busy! What a love you are! You have a gracious spirit that lives in your heart! You give me energy every time that I visit!
    Merry Christmastime, to you and LD!

  4. All those kitties are going to keep you very busy! They sure are cute though. I like this time of the holiday when most of my stuff is done too. It's nice to sit back and enjoy everything. I'm going to bake cookies tomorrow. Just got done with my wrapping. We've got a family gathering on my husband's side to go to on Sat. School is out mid next week, so my quiet house will no longer be! Have a great time this weekend.

  5. I love that the cats have there own room....sounds like you are as busy as ever....

  6. Your place looks so beautiful, I love the photo of your decorations! You sure have a houseful for sure.

    I can feel your Christmas spirit from here, that's awesome! I hope mine kicks in soon or I might have to borrow a wee bit of yours. :-) Have a fantastic day and may God bless and be with you and your loved ones as well.

  7. We just adopted our first cat - never had one - always had dogs... I have to tell you - I am in love - he's 7 months old now - trying to keep him in doors but he is really trying to escape whenever I let the dog out or I go out.. I hope he outgrows the need to sprint for the exit... lol
    I am hoping you will be interested in joining me for a January Challenge - I'm looking for recipes - money saving ideas - coupons - any idea that you have found that works to save you and your family money. Would be great if you could visit my site for more information - All contributions will have links back to the contributors site... Thanks much - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    I've Become My Mother
    I've Become My Mother facebook

  8. Sounds like you have lots of festivities between now and Christmas. Hope you and yours enjoy every single day :)

  9. I also love cats, your place is great very beautiful. Merry Christmas to you!

  10. Big Waaaaaaaaah! I want to do all of this with you and snuggle with those kitties, too!

  11. I so adore your sweet spirit and good heart, Linda.
    I know you will have a wonderful Christmas...for you, nothing else will do !!
    Love to you this fine December day,
    xoxo bj

  12. I don't think anyone can enjoy the season more than you. I was wondering how the kitties were getting along... ;o)

  13. Catching up with you a really have been having fun. The only thing more fun might've been hitching a ride to Milan. Now those two really do know how to have fun! Wonder what stories they'll have upon returning next week. Could be interesting. I see that your daughter takes after you with her lovely decorating sense. Have fun taking care of the grand kitties. They sound a bit labor intensive. Ha!

  14. Lovely post, as usual, Linda!
    I can only think that life has been good to you because you put so much into it!
