Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Groceries!

Mother, Louis Dean and I had a wonderful time together yesterday! After Mother's hair was done we headed for Granbury, Texas.

 Our lunch choice was Babe's......

.....known for its chicken fried steak, fried chicken and other southern favorites.....mostly FRIED!
I do not FRY anything so the occasional meal out is when we can indulge this craving for GREASE!

I had the fried chicken, LD ordered chicken fried steak and Mother had the fried catfish.  Everything was delicious!

The place was decorated for Christmas in such a fun and whimsical way!

We had a good time. And it was Christmas COLD weather!

My handsome husband took a list of locations and put it in the glove compartment.
Just in case we are out and about and 'need an oil change' he says!

Can you tell they were having fun?

Our purpose in driving to Granbury was so we could shop at the HEB store.
I had a list and started marching up and down the isles as soon as I got there! Mother and Louis Dean had full cups of complimentary coffee in the little coffee shop at the front of the store. They decided to come help me after awhile and we made short work of it.
HEB is a Mexican owned chain which includes Central Market. They employ enough people to allow for some quality customer service. I was asked THREE times if I needed help finding anything! When I shop Walmart I can not find ONE employee when I need something! Shopping can be a pleasure or a chore.
HEB is my grocery store of choice!

We left for Fort Worth (40 miles west) at 8:30 yesterday morning.
Granbury is about 40 miles west of Fort Worth.
We were gone all day!!
Got home before 6:00 in the evening.
I 'buzzed' - to use Louis Dean's words. That means I put up groceries, fed and took care of three cats and Lucy.....did some housework.
Louis Dean did some buzzing of his own. He is cleaning out the old play area on top of what was once Amber's playhouse. It was Benjamin's fort at one time. He had loaded it up with 'junk' and is hard at work sorting and clearing.

We closed our day with Lucy sitting ON Louis Dean's feet and Maggie sitting on his lap.
To use my mother's words.........

"It's been a GOOD day!"


  1. Indeed, a very good day. Loved reading your post today.

  2. You really know how to make a day of it!

    I'm smiling at the names of your dogs. My youngest two granddaughters are Maggie and Lucy. Nice names...I think!

  3. Louis Dean looks so cosy under that quilt - that's just how we spend our TV evenings!

  4. A good day indeed with two of your favorite people:)

  5. Or to use Martha Stewart's famous phrase, "It's a GOOD thing!". Sounds like a lot was accomplished and some good eatin' took place! That's my favorite kind of day. Eating and shopping. Fun, fun!

  6. Loved the picture of LD behind the turkey. Now did you put him by the turkey on purpose. LOL Just kidding.
    Looks like it was a good day indeed.
