Friday, December 9, 2011

My Romantic Bedroom Christmas Tree

I love this romantic little tree with the lighted base.
I have it on MY side of the bed so it doesn't get knocked over by you know who!

I came in here yesterday and took a good nap!
We went to our first Christmas open house hosted by one of LD's favorite people of all time, Shannon Gregg. We then shopped for a couple of pair of 'dress' overalls for LD. You know the kind? NOT stained, torn or ragged!
Next I stopped at a Tuesday Morning and came out with super soft slippers, pomegranate tea and ribbon candy! Our last stop was to buy a couple of Christmas Cd's.......Josh Groban and Andrea Bocelli. All this wore me out so I put on my red flannel Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer nightgown and crawled into bed for a couple of hours!!

I like to think of these little Snow People stockings as being Louis Dean and me!

My kids and I made dozens of carolers from cardboard tubes one year.
I like to use ALL my Christmas things so this year I have them on our headboard.

Keeping with the tradition a tree in every room....
my tiny bathroom has a TINY tree!

Louis Dean doesn't really like for me to decorate HIS bathroom......
but it is also the GUEST bathroom!
I have no choice!

 I TRIED to hide a tree in the corner and hoped he would not notice!
He did......

I  left LD home in the kitchen this morning while I do the Beauty Shop Run with my mother. He is baking dinner rolls for Amber and Mike's Christmas party tomorrow night.......and cinnamon rolls for Mike. Just because Mike loves them so.
I love having my laptop with its own Internet 'thingy!' I am sitting in the back seat of my car waiting for Mother. We will go to lunch in a bit and then it's back home to pack and load up for our trip south in the morning. LD likes to be on the road at 4 am!
I like to be asleep in the back seat by 4:15!!!

The cleaning and decorating is all done.
Now it's time to celebrate with family and friends!

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time."

 ~Laura Ingalls Wilder


  1. I love your tradition of the tiny trees, and I'll bet that your dear LD doesn't really mind! He is a treasure and to read about your daily doings and your relationship is balm for the soul. I've heard it said that one of the best things for a happy marriage is to be surrounded by other happy marriages - and I think it's true in Blogdom too!

  2. Your bedroom tree is lovely. As is your whole bedroom. What a warm place, to take a nap. I want to come over and take my nap there, toooooo! :-)

    All those trees! You are amazing.

    Have a safe and happy trip!!!

    "Christmas is here,
    Merry old Christmas.
    Joy-bringing Christmas,
    Day of grand memories,
    King of the year!"

    ~~Washington Irving

  3. How festive and beautiful everything looks, all of your hard work deserves a good nap.

  4. Have a great weekend with Amber. Tell Mike I said to many of those rolls will make him LOOK like Santa before he knows it! :-) Wish I was there to partake. Luann

  5. Now why does that not surprise me that you have a Christmas gown too?! ha! Sometimes a good nap is medicine for the soul as well as the body. Your little tree in the bedroom is sweet. I bet it casts a nice glow in there too. I'm done with my decorating too. Now I'm just trying to put all my boxes etc. away that I had out for so long. We've been doing some cleaning out in the basement. Feels good to let go of some things. Enjoy time with your family and friends now that your decorating is done too!

  6. Such an awesome tradition but oh such a job. Love it all. And I know LD wouldn't knock over your little romantic tree... Oh wait you weren't talking about LD were you... LOL. See you tomorrow.

  7. I love you Christmas home.....

  8. I love the carolers from the cardboard tubes....did you knit the hats? Maybe you could post a how to one day:)
