Friday, December 9, 2011

Company Mashed Potatoes

I made 5 pounds of  'Company Mashed Potatoes' this evening!

A tried and true recipe that does NOT taste like a reheated dish!

Cookbooks can really bring back memories!

Louis Dean had first crack at the kitchen though!
He would have made Mrs. Baird PROUD!
He actually worked at Mrs. Baird's Bakery back before he became a school teacher.

He can make a mean roll!!
Dinner rolls and cinnamon rolls - both in one day!

The potatoes are bagged and in the fridge....ready for the ice chest when we get up.
Rolls are in Tupperware ready to go.
We are packed.
The truck is loaded.
The house is clean.
Louis Dean is already asleep.

We are leaving at 4 in On the ROAD!
For some reason my husband loves to drive in the early morning hours.
I love for him to do that, too!
I get in the truck, help direct us out of Dallas and onto Interstate 45,
stop at the Whataburger as we get on the other side of town for some coffee and then I crawl into the back seat and sleep until 6 when we stop in Fairfield, Texas for a breakfast buffet at Sam's Cafe.

With full tummies we walk Lucy and then back on the road we go.
And back to SLEEP I go!!

Two more stops and we are nearing Houston.......which means we still have a ways to go! Houston is HUGE and just getting into or across it takes FOREVER!

We are heading to see Amber and Mike.
Tomorrow is their annual Christmas party and we are SO going to be there!!

There is something so exciting about going traveling during the Christmas season.
Anticipation is in the air this time of year.


  1. Oh yes - these are the best! I have been making them for years too and they SAVE the big dinners when the last thing you want to be doing is peeling and boiling potatoes!
    Safe trip!

  2. Ooooo yummy! Husband and I are thinking this will come in handy while we move. Thanks for sharing!! Love the verse too Psalm 31:1-3

  3. have a great time with your daughter....those potatoes look so yummy

  4. Those potatoes sure do look good. I know everyone is going to enjoy them. I hope y'all have a safe and fun trip!

  5. I LOVE the way you travel!!! :-)

    And it IS fun/exciting to travel at Holiday Time. Kind of like your own version of "Over The River And Through The Woods To..." :-)

    I'm sure your contributions to the party will be deeeeeeeeeelicious. As will everything.

    Enjoy and take lots of pictures. :-)

    Hug your beautiful Amber, for me. :-)

    Have a safe trip there, and home.

    "Heap the holly! /
    Wreath the pine. /
    Train the dainty Christmas vine---
    Let the breadth of fir and bay /
    Mingle on the festal day."

    ~~Helen Chase

  6. Oh yummmy, the cinnamon buns have me heading to the store, I know they're not nearly as good as the homemade ones, but no time for making any here! Well maybe I should shower and dress first! lol

    That's so exciting to be heading out to spend time with loved ones and dear friends, have a safe trip and a wonderful week!

  7. Those potatoes were so yummy! And the rolls were delicious. Yum Yum Yummy. Can you tell my pitfalls of food. Bread and potatoes. LOL
