Monday, December 5, 2011

My Christmasy Kitchen!!

My kitchen is all dressed for Christmas!

I love my cozy little corner by the sink!
AND the fragrance of cloves in the little vintage tin.

I have a wreathe in every room......

....and a tree!
This one holds ornaments from my children's childhoods.....
all four of them! Summer, Jesse, Amber and Benjamin!

I love looking at each one. Jesse made the little foil drum when he was 5 or 6 years old.
The happy lion was Summer's ornament from 1976.
Amazing how old some of these really are......
seems like yesterday I was making a few of these!

I hang my 'Vintage' needlework on the cupboard doors.
This is the very first one I made back in 1968!
At that time Summer was 5 years old and Jesse was 2.
43 years ago!! I would call that 'vintage!'
(One year critters got into the attic and chewed up on this! I repaired it as best I could.)
This is THE most treasured hanging I have!!
Even though my house burned in 1983 - my Christmas decorations were stored in a place where the fire did not get to them! I lost SOME but not ALL!

I stitched this hanging when Amber was 5 and Benjamin was 2.
A mere 21 years ago......

I made this cross stitch in 1983 - the year my house burned.
We were in Colorado at the time and I had the needlework with me.

I love all these....

I remember this took me a long time!!

While not really a needlework - I made this big felt tree on cotton backing as an Advent Wall Hanging. When the kids were little I would tell the Christmas story day by day adding the appropriate symbol. The pieces are gone now but I still use the tree SOMEWHERE every Christmas. This year it is covering all my loose recipes and files!

This needle work holds special meaning for me. I was stitching it in the fall of 1989 when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I worked on it when I was waiting for tests and then later surgery. And then ANOTHER surgery when they found aggressive cancer in the nodule they had removed. Sometimes I forget I am a cancer survivor.

It took me 2 years to finish this newest one.
I worked on it the December we spent in Scotland and am glad it is finally DONE!

I rescued this lovely piece of art from a thrift store.
SO much time went into doing this I was crying in my heart that someone cared so little about it! I need to properly frame it. I say that every year. I think I bought it 10 years ago!

This is the only needle work in the kitchen that was given to me.
A dear friend, Deborah, stitched it for me and
I love it so much it stays on my wall year round!

Little Miss Amber painted this for me when she was just a little girl!

She also painted the Christmas Trees!

So now my kitchen is all decorated.....and reasonably clean!

I just need to hang a wreathe on my old cow here!

I am now MOOOOOving on to another room!!
But before I go I just noticed......

I guess I must have painted THIS instead of a Santa in 1992!

Hey, it IS still a Christmas painting!!


  1. It just looks gorgeous Linda, and I especially like those things that have a story. That's what I like best about the decorations. You did good girl!

  2. Looking good. Glad you enjoy your memories. :)

  3. Linda, your decorations are beautiful. I love that you share your memories with us. It lets realize how special each decoration is.

  4. I love your reminds me of my Moms...full of love and memories...

  5. So warm and filled with love and memories. You've had a very eventful life with some very tough roads. Loved your post today.

  6. You must have such patience! To look at and place, so many Christmas decorations. Amazing patience, my Dear. I'm so happy that you still have so many of them, despite a home fire.

    Also, I did not know you are a Cancer Survivor. Oh hugs, hugs, hugs, my Dear. Our Daughter is too.

    Your kitchen just radiates warmth, as it should, at Christmas Time.

    Gentle hugs,
    "Christmas was close at hand, in all his bluff and hearty honesty;
    it was the season of hospitality, merriment, and open-heartedness."

    ~~Charles Dickens

  7. Your kitchen looks adorable in it's Christmas dress. I love all your pretty.
    I don't put out a lot of the time I hang 18 stockings and the tree, I don't need much else. :))

  8. I think you have been too busy decorating to do any cooking! Your kitchen looks most festive. I love all the sentimental decorations...and the stories behind them.

  9. Wow, you really do go all out, it looks amazing. Where are you going to cook now? ;-)

  10. What a beautiful kitchen. I do needlework also so I know how much time went into your lovely things. A real labor of love.

    I'm a cancer survivor also. Isn't it wonderful that God has given us another Christmas to celebrate?

  11. Such a sweet sentimental journey! Your home is so warm, Linda. When I visit, I feel wrapped in a beautiful "snuggly" Christmas Quilt!

  12. All I can say is that you are amazing Linda. Love the picture Amber painted.
