Sunday, December 4, 2011

I'm Talking 'Trash!' TEXAS Trash!!

 I made my traditional batch of Texas Trash! My family and friends LOVE this stuff! So do I! Mother used to make this every Christmas and we would ration it out to make it last. She actually filled those great big (NEW) galvanized trash cans FULL!! Mother saved her Folgers coffee cans all year long and would use them for gifting the trash. Since her stroke in 2005 she has only made this twice - with a lot of help from me! Now I am on my own! I still want her to be involved with the tradition so Friday after her beauty shop appointment we went shopping! For Trash ingredients. As the cart piled high I told her we probably had not appreciated the amount of $$$ it cost to MAKE the trash!! She just smiled.

Yesterday I began the MAKING of Trash!!
You literally put it in a white (or black) trash bag....depending on how much you make!

I used 8 boxes of assorted chex style cereal.....white, rice, corn
3 pounds of salted cashews
3 pounds of sea salt peanuts
1 pound of mixed nuts
1 large bag of pretzel twists
1 large bag of pretzel sticks.....
and I kind of crunch them up in the bag to break them in half.
Salt generously - and I mean GENEROUSLY!! - with Lawry's Seasoning Salt!

After you have all the dry ingredients mixed up nicely on the bag - and be sure to DOUBLE bag this!! -

......then you mix the butter ans Worcestershire sauce.
I heat it in the microwave til the butter is melted.

Using a large bowl, scoop out a good bit of trash - pour some of the melted butter/sauce mixture over it - not TOO much! - then toss it around with a wooden spoon to coat it all real good. Spread it out on a cookie sheet. Sprinkle with more Lawry's salt.........

I did three sheets at a time.
Bake at 300 degrees for 15 minutes. Then rotate the pans. I baked it a total of 45 min.

My mother always dumped it all out on a table covered with newspaper and  an old sheet. I did a smaller version of this and then put it in the trash bag after it had cooled.

I repeated the steps THREE times (Total of NINE cookie sheets worth!) and ended up with 15 POUNDS of

Then I put it all in tins!

It took a good part of the day but the TRASH is DONE!!

I am having a Ladies Christmas Tea on December 20th from 4 to 8 pm.
There will be little gift bags of trash for all my friends.
Hope YOU can come!


  1. Wish I could come. It looks sooo delicious. I am so glad you keep up with all your traditions. Those are the things we think on when we can't be around family on the holidays. I know Ben will appreciate being able to take some back to Calif. with him. Love ya, Luann

  2. That sure looks good! I've never made anything like that, but I just know I'd like it!

  3. Big job, big reward. Happy family and friends.

  4. Sweet,,,family tradition are what brings it all together :) I love visitng your blog. like visiting family and friends. More post please :) Have a great Sunday. Tink

  5. WOW!! It looks like a very tasty treat, Linda.

  6. Well look at you, documenting the whole in photos... very nice!! It also looks delicious and my mouth is watering. Can't wait to get my share!! Thanks for taking the time to make it!

  7. The trash looks funtastic and where do you get all your energy? Love your Santa wall Rob

  8. Yum! That doesn't look like "trash" to me! I bet your house smelled good while that was baking. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  9. Whooooooooooooopie! Forgot about Texas Trash!

    Ohhh yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

    and I'd love to come to your Tea Party, my Dear. :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    "Christmas was close at hand, in all his bluff and hearty honesty;
    it was the season of hospitality, merriment, and open-heartedness."

    ~~Charles Dickens

  10. That sounds delicious....I wish I could come!!

  11. thought I smelt something good coming from your side of are so clever...
