Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Whistle Stop Tea Room in Tom Ball, Texas

Last Friday I spent a lovely day with some friends!
We had lunch at this quaint little tea room in Tom Ball, Texas. Now Houston is HUGE! But when I got out to Carla's house in the country we stayed on lovely country roads the rest of the day.

I met Carla through my daughter, Amber. Carla's husband and Amber's husband work together.
Over the years Carla and I have visited at parties and cray fish boils....and Carla and Dave threw a huge farewell party for A and M when they left to live for a year in Aberdeen. Dave and Carla joined us to celebrate their return and a new home with a cozy dinner together last December.

Carla is an artist with a needle and creates true works of art with her quilts. She has a blog of her own called My Life: A Little of This and a Little of That!

Carla had taken a vacation day and we were further blessed by her daughter coming home that morning from college and going with us!! She has a LOVELY daughter who is just as much fun as her mother!! It was Pam's idea to lunch at the tea room!!

Lunch was delicious but - oh my goodness!! Those desserts!!!
This was Pam's choice....I forgot the name of it but it was delicious!
(She let me take a little bite!)

Carla and I split this bread pudding with rum sauce and it was out of this world!!!

The tea room is in a little shopping village with all sorts of little boutiques!

I love places like this!!

The windows were clever and the interiors of the shops even more so!

They have flowers down there year round......

Flowers and pumpkins! That's South Texas for you!

Then we drove - by scenic country roads - to Conroe, Texas and met up with Carla's mom! She knew where all the Goodwill's were so we were off for the thrill of the hunt!

I scored BIG TIME!! It wasn't easy but I managed to spend $112 in a Goodwill!!
In addition to some lovely 'debris'.......

I bought TEN pair of shoes!
This is just six of them!

Perfect for holiday parties this year!

I could NOT pass up these brand new perky Liz Claiborne ones!

I love this strappy little number!

All in all it was a great day out with friends!

I have 'met' such lovely ladies through the World of Blog!
Another sweet friend of mine is Kathy from Kathy's Trip Through Life.

She had a give-a-way and I WON!

My picture turned out dark but these are beautiful hand quilter pot holders....
made by Kathy's mom. I have already hung them for display in the kitchen and will think of Kathy every time I see them!!

Well, it is Tuesday of Thanksgiving week and everyone is as busy as a bee!
I am about to put in a few hours painting on some Santa's I hope to finish. I started them in October! By the time I get tired of painting it will be time to catch a movie at the Starplex this afternoon. The Help. Don't know how I missed seeing it before now!!
Tomorrow Louis Dean and I will spend the day in the kitchen.
But today.......I am off to 'play!'


  1. Love the pics! Looks like a great time. Didn't know you drove all the way from Tomball to Conroe! Surprised you made it back by dinner, haha! And up toward the top, I think you mean Carla and *Dave* threw us the party, since I'm pretty sure Mike just showed up... ;)

  2. You truly live the good life and know how to squeeze all the happiness out of it! You make me tired, lady!!

    Congratulations on your win...very pretty! And I hope you like the movie. I read the book and don't know why I haven't seen it yet either!!

    Have fun in the kitchen with LD. It's always fun to do things together! :-)


  3. Tea House sounds fabulous!! Love those shoes.

  4. Linda,
    You are just jam packed with energy and fun!
    You know that I long to visit Texas some day.
    I just love going along on the backroads with you!
    I wish you, LD and all of you love ones the best of blessings on Thanksgiving Day!

  5. What a wonderful time you have been having. I would have loved to go to that tea room with you. The desserts look yummy!

    I'm glad you like the potholders. You are a sweet friend and I'm so glad we got to know each other through the blog world.

  6. i adore tea rooms and having tea with special friends!!

    you have been very busy. i enjoyed today's entry and have always longed to visit texas!!

    have a wonderful holiday!!

  7. what a fun trip....oh I loved that movie...I want to read the book...

  8. forgot to tell you I love the shoes...I love shoes....especially bargain shoes...

  9. I want that PIE yum,,,, great find with the shoes. Happy Thanksgiving <3 Tink

  10. More fun for you, my dear! Happy for you :) I love doing tea. Those desserts look wonderful!!!

  11. What lovely times you have, 'Honey Bun'!!! And thank you for letting us tag along, on your fun.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving, Dear One!

    Gentle hugs,
    "Come ye thankful people, come,
    Raise the song of Harvest-home"

    ~ Henry Alford

  12. Oh and I've been enjoying your Christmas blog look, which your gorgeous gal did for you. :-)

    I'm just chompin'-at-the-bit to do a Holiday blog look on mine too! Have one played with and about ready to go, on my Test Blog.

    Think that's all I'll do on the Net, Thanksgiving Morning! Just change my blog look to a Christmas one. :-) 'Cause it's soooooooooooo much fun, for me, doing it. :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    "Come ye thankful people, come,
    Raise the song of Harvest-home"

    ~ Henry Alford

  13. What a great day...looks like so much fun.

  14. Was so glad we were able to get together. I'm behind on blogging. Hope to get my post up about our Fun Friday sometime tomorrow. I love all the pictures you posted expect the one. The one with Me in it. LOL. Had a great time and so did Pam and my Mom.
    Congrats on your win. Lucky you!
