Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Music and Jigsaw Puzzle......

Monday evening was cold and rainy here in the DFW area.
However, WE were all warm and cozy in the den!
Louis Dean and I had a great time with some of his family.
I had a new Christmas puzzle out and my sister in law and her beautiful daughter in law were kind enough to help me get the border started.  I LOVE puzzles! The border is sometimes the hardest part, though, and I was glad for the the two extra sets of hands and eyes!

 While Karina, Ruth Ann and I found straight edges...
Louis Dean and his niece played music!

AND his nephew. This is sure a talented musical family!
And they DID make beautiful music together!

By night's end we had laughed til we cried......literally!
I LOVE having family over!

Today - this Thanksgiving Eve - has been very quiet here in the Chapman Home.
That means we are going somewhere ELSE for the big dinner tomorrow.
My sister, Nita, is the very best hostess. She is laid back and unruffled.
The secret to her success is she plans ahead.
I often see a wrapped birthday gift sitting by the back door all ready for the party or occasion.......a week or two BEFORE said event!!
This usually acts as a reminder for ME to get in gear!
Mother is 86 and four of us siblings live in the DFW area. Makes for an easier time to get together. Every year we have with Mother - AND each other - is a special memory made. This year three of my four children will gather with us. If we ALL - siblings, spouses and children all could be at the same place at the same time it would make for a REALLY big crowd! I imagine Nita is secretly thankful this is not going to be one of those times!

Louis Dean has baked the rolls for the meal tomorrow and my cookies are in the oven as I write. My house is clean, the laundry done and I even managed to finish a lap quilt for a church project. Nothing left to do now but count my blessings.

"Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence."


  1. Those rolls look wonderful!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and LD, friend.

  2. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Linda and LD!!

  3. Linday I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow...those rolls sure look good I could almost smell them on my side of town...

  4. Looks like you had a fun day today. It's always nice to spend the day with people you love doing fun things. Tomorrow is going to be yummy for all of us. I've still got to make a casserole in the morning. We're spending it at my sisters house. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Linda and LD. Hope you all have a great time tomorrow.

  6. Your sister is a smart lady...I wish I could be like that. I have a little Christmas shopping done but I can feel the pressure already!

    I wish you and your family the best Thanksgiving ever! Have fun making memories!


  7. Have a lovely day with your family tomorrow. Thanksgiving best wishes.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful time to be had. Those rolls look yummy!

    Enjoy tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Louis Dean.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you & LD. Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed day :)

  10. I think you have found the live everyday like it is Thanksgiving:) Thanks for sharing with us.

  11. I hope your Thanksgiving was every bit as lovely as the prelude you shared with us. That LD is quite a guy...those rolls look great!

  12. Linda,
    We hosted Thanksgiving this year...that's why I am not here until now!
    I can smell LD's rolls and your cookies cooking while reading this post!
    I know that you had a lovely day! You always have fun wherever you go!

    The Santa photos...are those puzzles past or prints?

    They fill your den with pure charm!
