Monday, August 15, 2011

Vintage Maine Woods Boots and a Chico Skirt! A FALL outfit!

And I am SO ready for FALL!!!

I picked up this pair of cool vintage Maine Woods boots at a Goodwill shop recently.
What a deal for $12! The soles are still clean so they were not worn much if at all.
They are from the 1980's! Along with the boots I found an awesome Chico skirt!

I had a top from ANOTHER thrift store excursion so if I put all three together I have a new fall outfit!
Now if we can just get some fall weather on the horizon!
15 days and a wake up.....and COUNTING!
That's when I bring my fall decorations down form the attic.
September first begins the happiest and most loved season of the year for me...FALL!!

We are back to triple digits here in the DFW area. I only got ONE flower bed cleaned out before the heat was too bad to get out again! Louis Dean cleared the debris from our roof and nearly fell off the ladder the other day. He didn't actually FALL, though.....he kind of slid down but it was scary and he pulled a few muscles. Enough that he has been - and will continue to take it easy for a few days.

He was one happy camper this morning! Amber and Mike were here and he served up a country style breakfast! Complete with homemade buttermilk biscuits!

He made enough to send some home with Mike who dearly LOVES biscuits!
We even have enough to serve for dinner tonight when LD's nephew and his wife will be here.
It's MONDAY so that means Music and Food here at our house!

"If music be the food of love, play on."

William Shakespeare


  1. I am SO jealous of your boots! Those are the cutest ever. You tell Louis Dean to take it easy & if he has any leftover biscuits to send them my way :)

  2. getting time to have the younger gen do gutters. I have a no ladder rule for my dh now and for myself, I am SO careful. I fell down 3 steps once, cracked 7 ribs, laid up for 2 weeks before I could drive/go to work again and it took about 3 years to sleep on that side again (after many many chiro treatments over those years), so be safe.

    Nice clothing finds.

    - Joy

  3. That outfit is pretty fabulous! Let's see a photo when you wear it in the fall.

  4. I need to go to goodwill you fight such cool buys....
