Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am a Planner!

I usually go to bed at night with a plan for the coming day in my mind.
My daughter reminded me the other day that I am always planning what I am going to do NEXT! This is not to say I am not flexible. I often go from Plan A to Plan B and on down the line. Most of my schedule is kept in my own mind.

However, I maintain a Daily Planner on my kitchen counter and refer to it on a regular basis. I love the feeling of knowing what's on the agenda as well as looking forward to certain things! On Tuesdays the movies are just fifty cents at Starplex. These are NOT the latest ones of course but eventually ALL the movies make their appearance at Starplex....if even for a very few days. Apparently 'Monte Carlo' is a popular one because when I got to the theater 10 minutes before showtime this afternoon they were SOLD OUT! School starts here next Wed. so only one more 'movie day' before we are back to a calm quiet theater again......at least during the day. Plan B. Go home and go BACK to housework and chores but now dressed nicely and WITH make up!

That didn't last long! I put on my grungiest clothes and decided that if I want my bedroom redo DONE by the end of September I must get to it! So I have been hanging wallpaper and painting the closet openings and putting up a shade!
It took BOTH of us to get the shade up!

I like a 'room darkening' shade and then layer it with curtains and such.
I want to sleep in the DARK no matter what time of day or night it might be!
The one I bought at Home Depot said you could have it cut while you shop! I was afraid my measurement may have been a bit off so I opted to cut it our self at home.
It needed to be a  HAIR over 31 inches. It took TWO cuts and a little nail biting for fear I had gone TOO short! Then my clever husband figured out how to hang this shade that was just a tiny bit too wide! (It was the HARDWARE I had not figured in the measurement!)
He simply drilled a little hole into the side of the window frame - in the middle of the bracket where one end indents to hold the shade anyway!  Presto! Shade fits perfectly!!
The curtain rods are being hung as I write and the freshly washed curtains will soon be in place! I plan on hanging paper over the closet and then that is IT for today!

Louis Dean and I are taking Lucy to the dog park for a little while......right after the sun goes down! It is still over a hundred degrees at 6:30 pm.

I guess these really ARE the 'Dog Days of Summer!'


  1. I like to be able to make my room dark, too.:)

    You have just given me the push I have been needing to get started on MY redo of a guest room. I have been so out of energy during this hot, dang summer, I just don't want to get into anythin. HOWEVER, if YOU can do it, surely I can. I have to remove an olden wallpaper border first..then paint...then the fun can begin. It's a small room so surely it won't take too long...IF I get my butt in gear.
    Thanks for the inspiration..:)

  2. I have a nearly-empty bedroom upstairs and it is supposed to be a guest-room and a sewing room for me. I'd better get at it if I'm going to do any sewing for Christmas, don't you think? You're an inspiration!

  3. I'm such a planner. I have lists for everything! I used to keep a Home Control Journal and found after the baby it no longer worked for me. With all the chaos in my life right now I've decided to try and get it back in order (which is what I've worked on some today).

  4. What a good plan B today - you will appreciate putting that shade up every day.

  5. Hi Linda!
    I have missed a few of your posts! I'm a bit behind on my pop ins! You give me such inspiration! After I visit your blog, I get a little more spring in my step! Now I have to head to work! Best of love and "cool" wishes to you and Louis Dean!

  6. I like to make plans/lists too. But you do a much,much better job-of-it than I do! Good for you.

    Hope you enjoyed going to Susan Branch's blog. Is this the first time you have? Isn't it just lovely, beautiful, sweet, happy, etc., just like she is????

    I love it. And am so happy, that she finally prompted me to try out water colors. I've wanted to, for years. I did do pastels and oil, years ago, but I so love the look of water colors. Thanks to Susan, I finalllllly tried it.

    Have a long way to go, but....... Starting is the most important step. :-)

  7. Linda you know I'm with you on a dark bedroom! Your doing such a good job as usual.

  8. I worked the night shift as an RN for many years so I had to keep my bedroom dark during the day and so Ialso had shades like these, Linda. thye are wonderful!

    The older I get, the more I have to write things down to remember them! A daily planner book is a neccessity!I like your book.



  9. How can you keep so busy in that heat?? I imagine you have air-conditioning? (not something that houses have here!).

    I agree on the dark bedroom - essential for a good night's sleep.

    Sending you some cool Scottish air!

  10. having a plan is great...and having back up plans is even better...
