Thursday, July 14, 2011

Redeeming......Watermelons, Fabric Scraps and Wine Bottles

I LOVE watermelon!! In my younger days I could eat half of a BIG one
ALL BY MYSELF! I can still put away more than my fair share!

I did a little re arranging on my kitchen counter today.

These wooden and paper mache melons had seen better days!
Last year I displayed them out in the gazebo and that aged them even more!
The bowls were art projects from homeschooling days with Amber and Benjamin.

I gave everything a fresh coat of paint then scrunched them all up in the corner of the counter.

I tucked a vintage crocheted 'watermelon' potholder in the front edge of the basket.
Love using all my OLD things in a NEW way!

Since I was on a creative roll (so to speak) I decided to lay out the design for the baby quilt I will be sending to a baby girl.

I decided to alternate denim squares with ones I cut from a skirt I wore years and YEARS ago!
I actually wore this about the time Tara (baby's mom) was a little girl growing up here in the neighborhood.
This was one of those broomstick skirts that had yards and yards and YARDS of fabric!!

I am adding another interest to the quilt by using pockets for a few of the squares!
This will make a good place to store the parents' keys if they take this along on a picnic.
Have not decided on the backing yet.....I tend to use sheets since they FEEL so good!
NO flannel backings! Not anymore! I made my son a HUGE denim quilt with red flannel.
It is NO good whatsoever for taking outside. That flannel picks up every piece of dirt or crumbled leaf!

My third and final project of the day......

Instead of embellishing with grapes I used 'sea glass.'

The blue glass makes a nice light and the SeaGlass wine label is perfect!
I bought this bottle of Riesling at the Dollar Store just up the street.
Pretty good wine for an even better price!
I will stop by tomorrow and see if they have any left!!

In addition to being creative I have done laundry, cleaned house, managed to take a nap and keep up with Louis Dean. He only split open his elbow today and is now sporting a rather large bandage.
Amazing what I can get done when I go to bed at 10 pm and get up at 8 am!!
I should try that more often!


  1. -moan- _I_ go to bed at 10 pm and get up at 8 am, and _I_ do NOT get all accomplished, which you did today!!!! -whimper- -sigh-


    Oh oh! Louis Dean did it again! Injured himself. Betcha' he was deep-at-work on some project and, turned the wrong way or something. You tell him that "Olden Auntie A." is liable to come down there, and spank him. If he is not more careful!

    "Olden Auntie A." understands how handy guys, can sometimes hurt themselves. "Olden Auntie A." is married to "Olden Uncle A." Another one of those jack-of-all-trades. :-))))))))


  2. wow you have been the idea of a pocket on the mom did a lap throw for my daughter with a pocket to put things was great for sleepovers...she could put her jammies in it..

  3. What child wouldn't be thrilled to find a pocket in a quilt? Linda you are so imaginative - I love all your ideas.

  4. WOW!!!! Linda, you are so productive! You give me great inspiration as I prepare to tackle the weekend. Jay is leaving for Boise and my garden hasn't been clipped or deadheaded for two weeks.
    My husband, Kim keeps a lovely yard...but he is wicked when it comes to pruning and clipping, so I tell him to keep away from my flowers.

    I love the idea of the pocket for keys on the quilt! I see you found your French blog background! It looks magnifique! Have a great weekend!

  5. You are soo creative, we bought Leah and Patrick a pretty blue bottle of wine so she can make a light like you made for me. I really enjoy the one you
    made for me. I had forgotten how much you loved watermelon, I can see you with the salt shaker now! I also remember your love for apricots.

  6. hey... I love watermelons too!haha I love that word....
