Friday, July 15, 2011

Keeping COOL in Texas!!

That's not an easy thing to do!!!

My grand kids get a kick out of me jumping off the diving board....
holding my nose and screaming LOUDLY until I hit the water!

My oldest grandson put his suit on - even though he had just got OUT of the pool when I arrived!
I told him it wasn't safe for me to swim without him!

All four of my children swim and the youngest daughter was a synchronized swimmer for 11 years-
in addition to being a life guard. My youngest son was also a life guard and LOVED Surf Rider at Hurricane Harbor. He now lives in California where he can look out and see the beach.
The best I can do is a weak dog paddle! Go figure!

The grand kids are like little fish in the water!
My grandaughter, Faith- you know-
the one who is going to be a famous photographer someday-
took these pics!!

This is Levi singing 'Who Let the Dogs Out? WHO? WHO?' all the way off the diving board!

We were wet from the pool so we ate our supper outside.


For dessert I brought over all the ingredients and baked a Peach Cobbler.
I will never forget the first time I baked one for the GK's.
I asked them if they would like some and Levi said,
"Well, It is GOOD, MiMi?"
I said, "Yes!"
He said, "Well, then I'll HAVE some!"
It is still their favorite dessert!

We played old fashioned pick up sticks.....

and Memory.

We ended up BACK in the pool in time to see a beautiful hawk glide over the water and perch up in the top of an oak tree. Sam says he does this every evening. I think it was a beautiful sight and I am glad I saw it.
However, I prefer the multitude of birds that live in my yard!

I don't know about YOU but I am pretty weary of the long HOT summer!!!
This evening Louis Dean and I DROVE the short distance to Braum's....
too HOT to walk even at night! We each had a vanilla yogurt waffle cone.
He said they used to be called 'Drumsticks.' I remember that!!
We got nice and cool as we ate our frozen treat.......
but just walking to the car brought us back to the reality of a July evening in Texas!

Thinking cool thoughts and kicking the A/C up a notch tonight!
Happy Friday!


  1. sounds like a fun day! no better way to keep cool the pool!

  2. What a beeeeeeeeeeeeeutiful pool your kids have!!! Simply lovely!

    Yes, I remember calling those ice cream things... "DRUMSTICKS"! -clapping hands- Thank you for the memory!


  3. I love your new blog better way to beat the heat than water...and frozen treats...

  4. What a great evening, Linda. Up here it's cold. Right now it's 13 (55 F) and pouring rain. I am SO ready for some sunshine!

  5. Oh it looks like a perfect way to spend an afternoon and evening. The pool looks cool and inviting. Faith really does have a knack with pictures. She caught a lot of action. Wonderful descriptions of your grands that captures who they are and how they think. "Is it any good?" Ha! Now that's getting down to the bottom line pretty quick.

  6. That is a fun way to cool off if you had a pool. However, I would just have to put my feet in. I do not know why, I have a fear of water. This heat is terrible and no relief in sight. Be careful and stay cool best you can.
