Thursday, June 23, 2011


As in The Cheesecake Factory!!

Yesterday afternoon I picked Summer up at her downtown Dallas office and we headed straight to dinner!
We both love EVERYTHING about this place!
The ambiance, the lighting, even the muted background sounds of plates and forks clicking together and the hum of is all so very relaxing!
AND the A/C is cranked up so you forget how HOT it is

The food is always scrumptious!!!
These Avocado Egg rolls are our FAVORITE!

We had the very NICEST evening together! I am so blessed to have daughters who want to spend time with me. I will be heading to Katy early on Saturday morning to see Amber. These two daughters of mine are so very all mothers feel about their daughters, I am sure!
Mine are 22 years apart.....having had Summer in my youth and Amber in my older age!
There is no greater compliment in the world ....for a mother.....
than to have her 'child' want to spend time together.

After dinner and a little shopping we ended our evening with the first snow cones of the season!
Blue coconut and banana! They are as pretty as well as tasty! Perfect dessert for a summer's eve!
We came home and sat out on the driveway in our chairs visiting with Louis Dean for a little while.
It wasn't long before I suggested Summer go to bed early! She has a one year old daughter and has been going on very little sleep for just about that length of time! I remember those days!
There is a 'specialness' to one of your kids coming home to spend the night!

I got up early to see her off to work this morning!
I guess you can tell I am a very proud MOTHER!!
Isn't she adorable??

"My mother wanted me to be her wings, to fly as she never quite had the courage to do. I love her for that. I love the fact that she wanted to give birth to her own wings."

Erica Jong


  1. How's great that you can have a little one on one visit with
    your girls from time to time. Our lives get so busy it just feels great to stop and see one another instead of a fly by. Good for you!

  2. Linda, I am fortunate to have popped in today and meet your sweet daughter! You are a sheer delight to visit!

  3. and as your daughters, we agree days with you are the best kind! i'm looking forward to our time together saturday and then next week... i'll be spending several nights! :) love you mom!

  4. Sounds like a great time and great food! Time with grown children is wonderful!

  5. Mother Daughter time is the best...great photos..

  6. Lovely photos, from a lovely day, of memory making.

    Gentle hugs,

  7. That must be the best tribute to your mothering, that your grown-up daughters want to spend time with you.
    Summer must have been especially grateful that you remembered what sleepless nights were like and gave her the chance to have a good rest.
    I must admit I shivered when I read about the a/c. I am sitting here with the central heating on!
