Thursday, June 23, 2011

Italian Wine Light

Louis Dean and I were out in the gazebo this morning chatting about our weekend plans.
We are heading to Katy, Texas to visit Amber and Mike......
planning to leave in the WEE hours of Saturday morning and arriving shortly after breakfast time.
It will be so good to see them!! (AND the cats.......July and Snowball!)
That evening we will join them in attending a party in their neighborhood.
I told Louis Dean I would pick up a bottle of wine for a hostess gift.
HE suggested I make a wine light instead!
So I did!

Every one I make turns out slightly different!
I used a stick from a torn up grapevine wreath to push the light strand to the bottom of the bottle.
Then I decided to LEAVE the stick and add a few more!

Bringing a bottle of wine to a party is ALWAYS appreciated!
Hopefully they will enjoy this WINE LIGHT just as much!

"I have lived temperately....I double the doctor's recommendation of a glass and a half of wine each day and even treble it with a friend."
~ Thomas Jefferson


  1. Great wine light, great post, great thinking!! Cannot WAIT for y'all to get here, it's going to be a super fun weekend!!! :)

  2. Love the lights! Have great fun on your trip. I have been busy, busy, so haven't been able to visit much on the blogs. I peek in on you, tho lots!

  3. Oh that is pretty... I suppose I'd need to drink a bottle of wine to get a cute bottle like that...unless...

  4. have a great that is a cute idea for a hostess gift...

  5. A wine bottle is consumed, and gone.

    A wine bottle light, goes on forever. :-) Precious idea.

    Gentle hugs,

  6. That's such a cute idea - how much light do you put into it?

  7. Brilliant idea, Linda. I've never seen this in France or Italy - anothe rgreat American invention!

  8. I've made a couple of these. Hope you have a great time on your trip and stay cool!


  9. How pretty. My daughter gave me one for Mother's is just beautiful. Will work on a post about it soon....
