Sunday, May 22, 2011

Winding Down the Weekend!

We have had a wonderful weekend! It started on Friday with an early afternoon showing of The Pirates of the Caribbean which Jessica Jenkins is a mermaid. We stayed til the very last credits and then the extra scene at the end. I took a pic of the screen when her name appeared.......but that blurry photo is on my husband's computer! Hopefully I can get my talented daughter to sharpen it up for me. We had a ball watching this film! I opted to see it at The Movie Tavern in Bedford where Louis Dean could have a beer. That's about the only way he'll GO to the movies with me! I'll have to share a pic of this HUGE beer later.
He and I have been SHARING a computer this week.......and he is NOT good at sharing. When it comes to computers.....I wouldn't be either!

We came out of the movie just in time to face a real Texas T-storm!! We ran out of it shortly before we got to Irving and had just enough time to let Lucy out.....and in....and cover the things in the gazebo.

Saturday was slow paced. We picked up my computer from Best Buy's Geek Squad on our way to church. It was under warranty! YES! I am not sure who was happier about me having my OWN computer back! Louis Dean or ME!!

We arrived early at Fellowship church. Early enough to have a cup of coffee out on the terrace overlooking the lake. We took a few minutes to pray for some dear family members and do a little bit of quiet meditation.
The sermon by pastor Ed Young was thought provoking. "Be CONSCIOUS of your CONSCIENCE!" So many times we sear our consciences instead of paying attention to the heeding and nudging of the Holy Spirit. Ed said that America has forgotten how to blush! So true. A good sermon encourages conversation as well as some heart searching and Louis Dean and I returned home to continue that very thing.

Today has been a 'guilt free' Sunday since we went to church last night! The morning was spent in the gazebo - as usual - having coffee, reading the scriptures, writing in my journal and then reading our current 'out loud' reading book....'Willie Nelson' by Joe Nick Patoski. Willie has led quite an eventful life! Louis Dean often discovers a 'new' song in each chapter. This one is ' There's Nothing I Can Do About it Now.' So true!

We decided to spend the afternoon shopping......AFTER a trip to Subway!

I like the Veggie Delight and since we are on heart healthy meals......that fit the bill. I got a 6 inch. LD always orders a foot long so he can eat some more later!

We then shopped Kohl's for pajamas. Nothing like a recent visit to the hospital to realize how much you need pajamas. Poor LD! All he had were stretched and faded and/or bleach stained. ( I use a lot of bleach in my laundry!) He found two pair he liked and I picked up a birthday gift for my daughter, Amber.

Next....Walmart! We always end up at WALMART!! Doesn't everyone??? He found some black socks there.....YES!!! I am married to a man who loves white cotton socks! We attended a funeral recently and when we were about ready to go out the door I noticed how nice he looked in a white shirt, suit, WHITE SOCKS and TENNIS SHOES!!! He changed before we left! He bought new shoes last week......GOOD FOR HIM! One pair pair black.  Now he has socks to match!

Our last stop was Goodwill where I hit the jack pot! We were looking for a shower curtain for the north side of our gazebo. None there. BUT......

I found some other cool things!!
Like a set of four wine glasses to embellish with jewels like Amber featured in her blog post
The burgundy sheet at $2.99 is just what I was looking for to back a quilt for an A & M graduate.
A gift LONG overdue!!

The little frog and gourd now live in the gazebo.

This interesting container was $2.99. I THINK it was meant to store dishes in but I am not sure.

I plan to repaint it and use it in my bedroom for......????? Not sure.
But I would have regretted it if I had not bought it!

I am collecting things for our bedroom redo. I just loved the 'LOOK' of these!

This is a cherry wood mini shelf ($2.99)  I plan on using it in the living room. It matches Louis Dean's doll cabinets housing his beloved doll collection.

While we were at Kohl's I looked over the place mats....and they were a little more than I wanted to pay.....
even on sale! So I was very happy to find some great buys on BRAND NEW ones at GOODWILL!!
$0.79 each! I bought 10.......2 sets of 4 and 2 beautiful green ones. PLUS 3 packages of paper chargers! Eight per package. Pretty good buy,  I say! Will look great with my Pfaltzgraff pottery!

For $2.99 I bought a 'new' lamp shade for the gazebo. The other one was so big Louis Dean and I could not even see each other when we would sit out there!

I end my post this Sunday evening with this picture.
He is still out there waiting for me.
He DID take a break while I was busy posting and listened to his newest Willie Nelson discovery!
I cleaned the whole gazebo. This is like another living room for us.
I washed everything in Fabuloso.....sprayed for bugs and organized all our 'stuff.'

Now I am ready for that glass of wine he has poured! Then we will come in to watch the Tom Selleck newest Jesse Stone TV movie. A great way to  end a great weekend!!


  1. It sounds like you've had a great weekend! I wish we had Kohl's here - but I visit whenever I do to WA or Oregon - in fact I visit more than one Kohls...and Marshall's too!

  2. Sounds great. Dan, Taylor, her boyfriend and I went to see the "Deppness" in all his Pirateness :) Such a fun movie. How do you know the mermaid?

  3. Jessica and my daughter,Amber, were duet partners in synchronized she was perfect for a mermaid. They used five synchronized swimmers, actually!

  4. oohh a birthday gift for me!?? yay!!!!

    glad you guys had such a nice weekend. we did too, lots of activities, events and then rest all day today. just got back from dinner, and an intense week ahead.

    missing you and can't wait to see you soon!!!!!

  5. Sounds like a super-great weekend.

    So nice that you have one of those eat-watch-films places. We had one in town and it went out of business.

    Love it that you can use your Gazebo as a Summer Living Room. I take it that the flying buggies are now under control again? Around here, we couldn't put a glass of wine down, because some bug would fly into it. -pout- -moan- -sigh- :-)


  6. sounds like a wonderful weekend....looks like another thunderstorm on the way...glad little britches and I took our walk early today...

  7. You're so lucky to have a gazebo! I love the way you have it decorated, and if it was mine, I would spend every single minute out there, until the snow started flying!
