Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Night Musical Jam Sessions!

Every Monday night Louis Dean hosts a jam session. Music is such a true love of his!
So Monday is the day I clean the den in preparation of the musicians arrival.

Once it is vacuumed and dusted he sets it all up with the mike and music stands, amplifiers and such.

After my housework and before preparing dinner I took a little coffee break!
Right in the middle of the afternoon.
I received a surprise packet in the mail from my friend, Dawn, a sister blogger friend.
She has a really interesting blog that often features her adorable and personality loaded pets.
You can visit her HERE!
In the packet was a special coffee AND a cat toy for our new 'kitty'......6 year old Maggie recently adopted by us in the 'Seniors for Senior' Program. Hard to imagine a cat as being SENIOR when she is only SIX!!
My daughter, Amber, has two cats who truly ARE seniors....Snowball is 18 and July is 13 years old!

I love the fact that I can take a nap pretty much anytime I want......or sleep as late as I feel like.....
read when I want to read and have a coffee break in the middle of the afternoon if I want!

I thought I would take my coffee out to the gazebo. A short time before making my new brew it was raining, thundering, lightning and storming in general!

 But when I went out it had turned bright and  super warm and humid!
Typical weather changes for Texas!

Soon enough it was time to get the dinner going. With the two of us it is easy to fall into the habit of eating late at night......not a good idea! I enjoy having guests as then we actually have dinner at dinnertime....
NOT a midnight meal that only turns to FAT!
We are eating heart healthy these days.......LOTS of soups and salads.
We always serve dinner before the music......

SO! Dinner is now done, dishes put away and music is flowing from the den!
Louis Dean is a happy man!
And since it is NOT raining I think I will close this post and take Lucy for a nice long walk.

I love a good MONDAY!

Monday's child is fair in face.......



  1. what fun to have weekly jam sessions...I love when our son plays his guitar and sings for us...did you get any hail with the storm...we got pea sized on the southside....
    it cooled down for a few minutes...then humid...bad for the hair...

  2. What a great way to spend a Monday evening. Do you hang out and listen to the jam session, too?

  3. ....and I`ll bet you`re a happy woman with dinner over and live music in your own house!

  4. I'm glad you could take a little doggie walk, without rain. But I'm also glad that you in TX, got some rain. -sigh- 'Tis sooooo dry in TX, or parts of it.

    And your weather is *officially* hot/humid now? You won't be able to enjoy the gazebo as much, I guess... More need to stay inside, in the A/C.

    And have a lovely dinner and music evening! :-)

    I'm sure these evenings are as good for L.D., as the heart healthy eating is. :-) You are a good wife, to insure that they happen.

    I know. You love him so you do it. But still, you are a good person TO DO it. And it deserves to be said.


  5. Hey Linda girl...I heard ya'll had tornado warnings last night. I'm tellin' ya..these killer tornadoes are terrible. I am just sick about all the lives lost and the destruction. Terrible...

    Now this soup and salad looks wonderful. And, like you, I LOVE the fact that my time is my own now. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and I LOVE IT.
    Yep, I am still in my gown, need to shower and dress and here it is 12:15 goodness...I MUST BE LAZY...hahhaa
