Monday, May 2, 2011

My GRAND Highlights!

Louis Dean and I have had the best weekend with the GRANDS!! We had a blast and I think they did, too!

 I have found getting the grandchildren on a Saturday afternoon AFTER all their many activities, classes, games, what have you works out GREAT!! SO I picked them up about 3:00 and our party started!

First on our list of activities....CHURCH! We usually attend the Saturday evening services at Fellowship in Grapevine. Last Sunday the kids had given us a tour of THEIR children's area so now it was our turn.

Faith said she likes 'fancy' churches and she loved the Bubbles coming from Fellowship Mountain!
They enjoyed their class although they DID comment that the music was TOO loud!
That is Louis Dean's sentiments exactly. Maybe they have heard him say that?

We walked around Fellowship Lake after the service. We did this with Levi when we had him for a weekend not too long ago. Both times we were the ONLY ones out there! Talk about wide open spaces, shaded walks in a forest and great nature sightings! We all had a great time!!

After this adventure we ate supper at McDonald's......the newest one in Irving! Downtown!

This was a treat for all of us as we do not often eat at a McDonald's!
We sat in an area much like a Starbucks. I had a Chicken Snack Wrap that was good.
The kids had Happy Meals followed by chocolate sundaes.
Louis Dean did not want to 'waist' his calories so he had a small ice cream cone.

We returned home to spend the rest of the evening in the gazebo.
As you of our favorite places!
Sam brought his Goose bump book to read because, as he said,
 "I KNEW we would be in outside at night!"
I beat Faith at Checkers but it was only because she had not played in awhile.
She went on to totally skunk Sam the next day!

We did our 'Highs' and 'Lows' of the day before going to bed LATE after eating tons of 'stuff'.
This was Faith's LOW: "My tummy from ALL THE JUNK I ATE TODAY!"
This was Faith's HIGH:  "ALL THE JUNK I ATE TODAY!!"
She went to bed at til 12:20 AM!! The latest she has ever stayed up!!!

And THAT closed out our Saturday!
(This popcorn bowl was a gift from Summer MANY years ago and I cannot tell you how often we use it!)

Faith spent Sunday morning choosing some of my 115 bottles of nail polish and over 100 tubes of lipstick to take home with her! When the kids counted - them even I was surprised at the number!
She is a girly girl and we did manicures/pedicures and applied makeup and did our hair.
Notice the cute little dress she is wearing. She nearly always dresses UP!

Our next activity was checkers......Mimi and Granddad needed a cup of coffee!
Faith is an excellent strategist! Sam is a very good SPORT!

I had promised the kids a trip to the 'stinky' store so that was next on our agenda!

We spent quite a bit of time looking at all the different foods.
It was entertaining as well as educational.
I think taking them places like this makes for some pretty interesting memories!

This is part of the purchases we made. The kids did not like some of the things they thought they would LOVE! The sugar crackers were pretty good and chocolate jackers were their favorite.

Our late lunch was a recipe from Amber's blog.....Seven Layer Bake.
Both grand kids gave it a thumbs up!

Later in the afternoon we watched Tom Mullica as Red Skelton.
They kids laughed and laughed!
When Faith sat still for very long she would start to fall asleep.
I hurriedly got the tea things ready for our Tea Party!
The weather had turned off cool so we opted for HOT tea!

Tea was served in the den by the fireplace. This is the LATEST we have had an indoor fire!
Only in TEXAS!!

My son asked me what time the kids would be home.
Sam and Faith BOTH wanted to stay til DARK!
Since Summer lives pretty close to them we decided to visit with the other granddaughter on our way home.
Faith was especially good with little Abby.
Sam contented himself with playing a game on Aunt Summer's phone.

The weekend ended and we had enjoyed every minute of it!
I think the ages of nearly 1, 4, 6, and 8 are the very BEST ages YET!!


  1. fun times...don't you just love the new really cooled off didn't it...

  2. Sounds like the happiest of times. I bet the kids loved every minute. And you and your hubby must have had a nice sleep last night. We're getting one of those fancy McDonalds. Perhaps it'll be better than we expect.

  3. Your grandkids are adorable. It looks like you had a lot of fun with them!! I always say that my favorite age is whatever age my daughter is! It just keeps getting better. :)

  4. A super, lovely weekend was had by all!!! :-) And you have the pics, to prove it. :-)

    And I'm sure Mommy and Daddy had a lovely weekend "off," as well.

    Oh I LUV little girls in dresses!!!!!!!!

    Gentle hugs...

    Come on...!

  5. Hi Linda,
    Just found your blog and glad I did! I'm in Bedford so we're almost neighbors. :-) I miss those times with the grands...mine are teens now and soooo busy with their activities and friends that I almost have to make an appointment to see them.

    I'm a new follower and look forward to getting to know you! Stop by and say hi when you can...there's a giveaway going on too.


  6. It looks like you all had a great time! I would have just been happy with the trip to McDonalds. :-D
