Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pop the CORK! Then make a WREATH!!

Louis Dean and I enjoy a glass of wine in the evening......usually as we sit out in the gazebo.
I picked up this wine cork wreath at a garage sale a few weeks back and have continued to embellish it with more corks! That means I have had to buy BOTTLES of wine as opposed to the tried and true BOX wine I enjoy! Somehow the box lacks the charm of interesting bottles, labels and corks!

I love the names of some of these wines!

Since this is a 'craft in process' I will continue to add more until the wreath is FULL!

It is a simple straw base covered with florist moss.
 A glue gun, some faux grapes and an assortment of corks round out the project!

Don't forget! You can always use the BOTTLES to make Wine Bottle Lights!

SO!! What are you waiting for?

Pop the Cork!!!


  1. What a cute idea...I didn't realize the personality a cork had until now!

  2. Love the wreath and love the unusual corks. The middle sister one is just toooooo cute. Great idea and think of all the great wine you are enjoying. Hugs, Marty

  3. another good reason to drink a glass of whine...

  4. Cute! So when did you start that wreath again? LOL

  5. A wreath of corks! Cute idea.

    He has made "hot plates" with them. Put corks in a wooden frame. And you can put your hot casseroles on them.


  6. I really like the taste of certain wines, but cannot drink it now. Certain medications and wine do not mix well. My son and his wife enjoy a glass in the evenings. I bought her one of these wreaths at the Senior Citizen's Fair here on year. She saves hers and has many containers full of them.

  7. yet another use for wine! i always like to think of the bottles we buy as an adventure in tasting - it's especially great when you discover some good stuff you never even knew about.
