Monday, December 6, 2010

My Christmas Kitchen!

I nearly forgot to show you the kitchen! The Kitchen is the true heart of any home...although I am not the cook my daughter, Amber, is!! I lean toward old fashioned cooking and baking. My kitchen still held the fragrance of the chocolate chip cookies I had baked earlier in the day as I snapped these photos!

The Gingerbread Angel was painted by Amber when she was 11 years old.

This is a tiny Cup of Christmas Tea Set.....I so love that little book!

Have I mentioned I LOVE the little Candle Lights?

The Christmas Tree in the kitchen is decorated in children's ornaments.....mostly!

Summer has ALWAYS given an ornament each and EVERY year for Amber and Benjamin.
This was the one for Amber in 1985....the year of her birth.
The Ladybug to the upper left was to me in 2004. Have you seen the movie 'Under the Tuscan Sun'?
If will understand it's significance!

I always hung a photo of Amber and Benjamin each year as they were growing up......

And I would paint an ornament with that year's biggest interest or achievement!
Benjamin started Tae Kwon DO in 1994 at six years old.
He received his first degree Black Belt by the time he was twelve!

My son and daughter in law gave me this one of my first two grand kids!

Lots of memories on this tree!

I use my kitchen cupboard doors to hang all my Christmas Needlework on.
I did this in 1969.
Summer was six years old  and Jesse, Jr. was three.

Then in 1991 I stitched this one!
Amber was six years old and Benjamin was three!

The PEACE ON EARTH one means a lot to me.
I had it with me working on it in Colorado in 1983 when my house burned.
I praise God MOST of my Christmas decorations were in a storage area that escaped the fire!

These bring back memories of where I was on the path of Life as I stitched them.
I have a current project still in my sewing bag! It is of Snowmen and I will be taking it with me when we visit Amber in her new home this week......and hopefully will FINISH it!
It is the SAME needlework I took with me to Scotland last year INTENDING to complete it then!

This little hanging is SO old! I can't remember the year I made it!
It's not even very pretty any more......but I still love it!

I somehow think very special memories are made in December....
and they often center around a KITCHEN!

From MY kitchen to YOURS......
Merry Christmas!


  1. Your kitchen is wonderful, Linda. Warm and iviting. I wanna come over for coffee and and a cookie!

  2. just as i always remember... home.

  3. Your kitchen looks so cozy, Linda, I can almost smell the cookies. I love the little tree and that it has your most sentimental ornaments on it! I have so many the kids made, I probably could have another tree just for those! And surprise...Under The Tuscan Sun is my all time favorite movie!! I totally get the ladybug thing!

    Good luck with your projects, I know you will finish them!


  4. My goodness Linda, a Christmas tree in the kitchen! I'm impressed. Your kitchen looks so warm and inviting, and I can smell the delicious scent of baking. You've made me realise that I have NEVER decorated my kitchen.
