Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hand Painted 'Memory' Ornaments

The sewing/computer room is where I have my hand painted Memory tree this year.

The 'Little Boy' on the right is my son, Benjamin, painted in 1999.
The blue and gold sequined ball is the oldest ornament I have made.
 December 1964.......I was 16 years old.

Each ball holds a special significance for that particular year.
1997 was our first trip to Canada....Amber competed in a Synchronized swim meet.

Some are ball size versions of larger paintings I did that year.

The Patriotic Snow Man was from a Christmas card Summer gave me.
I painted dozens of ornaments like this one done on a block of wood.
They will soon be hanging on my Snow Man  tree out in the gazebo!

I love this draped Cypress wreath....

This Christmas Candle was done on a tea box in 2001.
Amber and Benjamin painted ones like this for an art project when we were homeschooling.
Perhaps I should take Amber's to her this week when we visit her new home!

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.
~Laura Ingalls Wilder


  1. I have a couple of your hand painted oraments on our tree and it's always a treat when I can say my sister painted this one!

  2. Wow!! That's too cool and how special!

  3. Oh, are so talented. I love the ornaments with the winter scenes...well, I love them all. What a great artist you are. I love your pretty wreath, too! Looks like you are almost set for Christmas!


  4. Beautiful ornaments Linda. They are painted with so much feeling. I must say, they can't be that easy to paint on. You are very talented! Susan :)

  5. Hi LInda I enjoyed seeing your gorgeous Christmas decorations and ornaments that you painted. I love painting but never have made any ornaments that does look fun. I love your hand painted memory tree! I need a tiny tree for my sewing craft room! what a great idea! have a Merry Christmas!

  6. You are so talented. The ornaments are just lovely - and such wonderful keepsakes.
