Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday Adventures!

Tuesday is my very favorite day of the week! Since last spring, Ruth Ann and I have been going to Starplex Theaters here in Irving to see a movie for fifty cents! We started out with 'Crazy Hearts' starring Jeff Bridges. We have seen many a film since then.....some of which we were glad we only paid fifty cents to see! Others have been wonderful but each week is always an adventure! Many films absolutely wear us out! Even the PREVIEWS!!! For fifty cents we only get ONE preview...and for WEEKS that ONE preview was "Prince of Persia-Sands of Time" and I tell you it was exhausting to watch! And that was just the preview! So we passed that one up opting for a less energetic story!

Yesterday Summer joined us for the day and we saw 'SALT.' WOW!! Talk about being worn out!!! We were utterly and totally EXHAUSTED after watching that one!! Great acting, great storyline.....LOTS of action! A bit much for older ladies!

Ruth Ann and I laugh every week about our trip to Starplex! We have to agree...we have seen more movies since we started our weekly adventure than we have in YEARS! There are usually a dozen or so to choose from and choose we DO! Every week! Sometimes we pick the one we just hope to be the best choice....but we never know! Next Tuesday we are wondering WHAT we will see! The choices range from vampires to cats and dogs to Shreks, Piranhas, Predators and Sorcerers! We hope to 'choose wisely'. I love movie quotes.....almost as much as I love a good movie! Hope to see YOU week!


  1. haha - it's the little things in life!

  2. You weren't kidding, SALT was very high energy, way too much for me!
