Monday, October 4, 2010

A Fall Fireplace!

This morning we enjoyed the 'First Fall Fireplace'...and it was wonderful! There is something extra special about the FIRST and LAST fires of the season! It is in the 50's here in Texas this morning and that is cool enough for a FIRE! I had to bag up my books, Bible and journal and haul them to the den from their box in the gazebo. Not that we are done with our morning gazebo times....but since Louis Dean is a BIT under the weather with a scratchy throat, I thought he would enjoy the warmth of the den today as opposed to the crisp cool air outside. I LOVE a fireplace!! The looks and smells says FALL to me!!

We need to stock up our firewood supply! I would hate to run low!

Louis Dean in all his morning glory! He says, "Oh, NO!!"

My morning hair do and all! I have pics from the season's first fire......from years and years!

Even Lucy enjoys stretching out by the fire!

“There is no place more delightful than one's own fireplace.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes (Ancient Roman Lawyer, Writer, Scholar, Orator and Statesman, 106 BC-43 BC


  1. It looks so cozy - lucky you with the cool weather!

  2. Glad you enjoyed your fireplace. I enjoy our sun room on the weekend mornings when the wind blows you can hear the wind chime hanging just outside the door. It almost sounds like a church bell.

  3. can't believe it was cool enough for a fire! or at least you are starting early :)

    i am tired of being on the computer, think i will take a break to make tea and bake banana bread. love you!

  4. Isn't this weather wonderful! I caught a whiff of wood smoke in the air yesterday and I thought of you! Maybe summer is really over!

  5. Great pics! We are loving this weather, too.

  6. Thanks for the nice comment! I LOVE the cozy. This is definitely my favorite time of year.
