Saturday, October 9, 2010

Spider Flower

For as long as I have lived here there springs up an occasional Spider Flower in early spring or fall. I used to find them along the back fence and some in the front flower bed. I saw one lone flower at church the other day. It is actually a cleome...or at least that's what I found when I googled for information. I don't think I have ever seen these in a garden where they were cultivated 'on purpose'.....usually just a wild one here or there. I remember seeing these in childhood homes and cutting one to pin in my hair. Funny how things seen through the years bring back different memories. We have dug up so many of our flower beds and replanted different things that I was actually surprised ...and relieved to find that my spider flower has paid me yet another visit!


  1. I think this is the same kind of flower that is growing in Mom Freeman's flower bed in front of the house. Terry and Alice planted them before they went to the Philippines several years ago. The flowers faithfully bloom each year. I believe she would share them with whomever would be willing to dig them up. They are pretty blooming but not so much when the blooms are gone, and she's not able to tend them. They looked pretty to me when I saw them today. Glad you are able to enjoy your gardening. Love you, Debbie

  2. That reminds me of the pink day lily volunteers that used to pop up in our yard. Pretty!
