Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This is an excerpt from one of my all time favorite books by Gladys Taber....'Stillmeadow Daybook.'

       There is always a moment in the day when I feel my heart will break. Such a moment I think all women have, and men too, when all the meaning of life seems distilled and caught up and you feel you can never, never bear to leave it. It may be when you turn and look down a blazing autumn road or it may be when you see your house under great ancient trees or it may be, in the city, when you look up at a towering apartment building and see one light and think "that is mine." It may be any of a number of things, according to the circumstances of your life.
      But there is the moment, and all the heartaches and sorrows of your life suddenly diminish and only the fine brave things stand out. You breathe sharp crisp air, your eyes lift to the eternal wideness of the sky.
     Anybody has moments like this to store up, but some people are too busy adding up their frustrations to appreciate them. And yet all we need is an awareness of the beauty in life to make us richly content. My definition of happiness is just the ability to garner the perfect moments.

Here are some of my moments of happiness from the past few days......

It just doesn't get any better than this!!!
It is so much fun to see this precious little one growing....and sharing in the new experiences of LIFE!
Summer set up her scrap booking/card making things and hung out at the house Saturday with little Abby. There is something about just having your child....no matter how 'grown' they might be.....at HOME! It always thrills the mother's heart in me!

Catching up with friends at a wedding.

I love reading Gladys Taber's writings. She knew how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.....and has taught me to do the same!


  1. Fantastic post, mom, love that excerpt from the book!

  2. This is a great post, and you look so pretty in the photo from the wedding.
