Saturday, February 15, 2025

Nesting and Enjoying Watching my Children Live a Big Life!!

 Friday I spent the entire day in the den putting it all back together for normal life.

Santas are all packed away behind the sofa against the wall.

Louis Dean responds well to watching DVDs these days and I have worked hard in organizing them where we can look through them. I hope to further organize it by genre and such but for now it is hunt and peck, so to speak.
I have a huge basket filled with smaller baskets of DVDs plus another cupboard with more baskets inside.
Last night we watched Airport......and western after western.

In many ways I have already lost parts of Louis Dean and I am so very grateful for the pieces I still have of him.

We have morning coffee and reading and evening wine and visiting.
When the weather is nice - as in today - Louis Dean can get outside and that makes him happy.
I often say that if I can just clean something, I will be okay!
This afternoon I found him at the back of his truck 'redeeming' a bolt with WD40 and a hack saw.
He told me that he feels the same way I do when I clean something as he does when he fixes something.
Note to self - I need to find more things for him to repair!

Oops! When I snapped this I knew I needed to take that wreath down and so I did!

I have been purging and clearing out right and left!
This is hanging on the den closet door - no one even realizes there is even a door here.
I keep adding the odd photo from here and there.
It's hard to throw away old pictures. I just can't seem to do it!

Since I moved my desk out of the sewing room - I am at loose ends as to where to keep my 'stuff!'
Like bills, correspondence, etc.

I may use this secretary in the den.....

You change one thing and it seems to change so many other things!

Still.....change is a constant and we may as well embrace it!
Life is forever changing, that's the plan.

As our life has slowed down, I am very much enjoying the bigger lives my children are living!

Amber and Harrison are in Canada and having such great experiences!

They flew into Montreal on Friday and made it to the Four Nations Hockey Game!
I texted my dear friend, Jutta, in Finland and we shared photos and posts from the game. 
It was Finland vs USA but some of of our players were on the Finnish team.

Walking back to the hotel on Friday night.

It is COLD in Canada!

Harrison's team is the Brahmas!

What amazing life experiences for Harrison!

AND Amber, as well!!
She is in her element as a Classy Hockey Mom!!

All the Bells are living a big life!

Trystan was in San Antonio Friday morning for a band competition.
She did WELL!!!

She then joined her dad and sisters in California for a hockey tournament.

Good for Trystan!!!

In other news, Jesse and Rachel took a weekend trip to California.
I'm loving getting to see all the things they are seeing!

Back to my reality - and I love this!

We have two possums who frequent our offerings.

Possums are good critters and we encourage them to live under our decks and eat all manner of insects.

I took these pics from inside the kitchen French doors and Tabitha was right there watching them!

Ilene and I meant to have a movie night together to watch Hillbilly Ellergy.
Alas, her friend, Lester, had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital and Ilene did not want him to be alone. I heard the sirens when they came for him - we are all in the same neighborhood.

We will make tomorrow our movie night instead!
I'm planning on a Charcuterie tray and Peach Bellini's....

So for tonight, I am watching September.....
Rosamond Pilcher is my most favorite author and I love her son, Robin Pilcher, and his books, as well.

The cold front has come in and it went from 73 degrees today to what will be 27 tonight.
And even colder weather is coming!


  1. I have not heard of "September". It looks good! I keep paintings behind the love seat, too!! The Bells are really having the times of their lives, times they will always look back on and remember. I'm glad you are still feeding the possum, they kill so many bad bugs!

  2. Your den looks fantastic. How wonderful to get to see all the family is doing.
    That is a cold spell you are going to get. It's been very cold here and I'm longing for spring.

  3. You are moist amazing in taking lemons and making lemoade and your love for LD is precious.

  4. I wish your repair guy was driving distance away, we have a lot of things that will not start. like the leaf blower and the weed Wacker. he could stay busy in our back yard for weeks.
    glad you house is back to normal and the den looks great. my house has not changed since we bought our sofas in 2005. same place, same everything, same photos on walls. the one change is the painting of Beau in splashes of color, I moved the pelican in the bedroom. big change. I do hate change and am dragged kicking and screaming with every inevitable change that happens. and right now our lives are changing daily. we are all in our 80's and apparently 80 is the starting line for all our bodies to break down... now not only do I do pill boxes for the 2 of us, but Beau has two boxes and is refusing the pills. he hate s change to ha ha

  5. forgot to say when yous aid living the Big Life I had no idea. to me all that travel is really Big.. sorry you can't go with them, I know how much you love to travel

  6. I always say my children and grand children are my life. It would be so boring without them and all their activities. Just like you said, they have big lives.

  7. I agree - family makes all the difference.

  8. When I read about your early life growing up, and then see how God has blessed your "latter years", with beautiful grandchildren and family around you, and a loving husband even with his current issues, and a beautiful home and such amazing talents...well, it reminds me of this verse:
    Joel 2:25 NKJV
    25 “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten..." He has blessed you abundantly and given you such joy in these "latter years". What an amazing God we serve. This was wonderful.

  9. Yes I second what Pamela just wrote. God is in the restoration business and does bless abundantly. We are in the "latter years" too. Its different but wonderful in its own way to see how the Lord does the things to make our lives more wonderful.

  10. Linda, what a joy to be seeing the "big life" your children have. We too are at a place in our lives where we love watching the big life our children have. You busy little bee....all the Santa's down and the wall has a brand new flavor for all of us to enjoy. Loved seeing the travels of Amber and the kids, and how they are growing up so beautifully. As I read the other comments, I do am so happy that the Lord has seen fit to give you some joyous years with such a troubled childhood. Someone once said, God doesn't waste any experience, but used it go grow us more like Him. You are such an example of that. Love you tons. btw Your possums look a lot more friendly that the one that was living under the hood of my car with her six babies. All I could see were "teeth". But that's another story.

  11. I wonder if September is on Prime. I'll have to check.
