Monday, September 23, 2024

September Blessings.....

What a blessing it is to have such good friends like Billy and Brenda! 
They picked us up Satirday morning and we all went to Hebron Hogh School for a band event.

I am so grateful Billy drove us! I would have driven but as it turned out - it would have been more than I could handle. The traffic. The lines. The parking.
It's difficult to realize I can't do what I once did without any concerns whatsoever.
On the other hand, God supplies our every need according to His riches in glory.
And in his infinite mercy - He gave us Brenda and Billy!

It was 100 degrees on Saturday and I worried that I was putting Louis Dean at risk - but he wanted to go and support Trystan, Kailey and Logan.
Brenda and Billy made that happen for us.
They bought us bottles of water and Mike took his umbrella which was a life saver!

It's a blessing to have so many people watching out for us.

Hard to spot the girls but here's Kailey with her trombone.

Brenda helped me spy Logan with her euphonium....

and at last I caught Trystan with her oboe!

We left after their performance and we dodged the bullet on Louis Dean getting too hot!
Billy used his handicap placard and parked close AND he started the engine remotely so we entered an air conditioned vehicle. Win! WIN!!!

After the band event Billy took us to Fuzzy's Tacos!

Cold  AC and a cold beer for him.....

....and a cold margarita for me!

So where was Amber this Saturday??

In Denver, Colorado with Harrison at a travel tournament.
She took the boy and Mike had the girls!
They make such a good team!

Billy and Brenda dropped us off and we went right in and took good long naps in the AC!

After we got up we both went out to the front to water. Everything is still struggling here with the heat - but we are thankful it's only in the upper 90's. Still, we need to water to keep from losing our plants.

Louis Dean had gone inside to get a glass of wine (he keeps his wine boxes lined up on his closet shelf) and was watching me from his window while I was watering. I got tangled up in the water hose and fell onto the driveway. I broke my fall with my left hand - palm and thumb out! Alas, my left wrist was broken back in the 90's and is still painful to this day. Praise God I did not break any bones but it HURT and it SCARED me! Louis Dean came running out and tried to help me up but I was so shaken and felt sick to my stomach. He got a pillow out of the truck and put it under my head - nearly stepping on my $700 pair of glasses! Thankfully I pulled them to me at the last second!

I admit it really scared me and I spent Saturday night in a good bit of pain.
I normally do not take anything for that but I did take two Aleve around 6:00 Sunday morning after being awake much of the night. 

That and the liniment gel that Louis Dean had just ordered!
It really works!!!

Sunday was a good day for football!

Jesse was at the Cowboys game and they barely lost - but a loss is still a loss.
However, it was an exciting game!
I left LD up to cheer on the Kansas City Chiefs and he did a good job of it!

Today has been special as my dearly beloved long time friend, Deborah, joined me for art this afternoon.

She and I painted together in the art class I hosted for over 30 years right here at this dining room table.
Every painting I do ends with a glaze of Liquin and Debbie is a master glazer!
This painting was done by Mary Campbell - Brenda's mother. Brenda gifted me her mom's art supplies and canvasses. I saw this one the other day when I was pulling out some fresh and unpainted 16X20 canvasses. I showed it to Louis Dean and he loved it!
He is a certified Cherokee Indian - he has an ID card and is on the Cherokee rolls, 
Debbie glazed it and when it dries - LD will proudly hang this in his room!

She also glazed Faith's Green Santa for me and gave me such valuable critiques on the painting of Louis Dean at Bar J ranch - where he looks like a burn victim!
No longer!
I'll share a pic tomorrow but Debbie totally helped me redeem him!

We has such a good visit and are setting up monthy Friend Dates!
I'm certain it will be around the art table!

After Debbie left - I worked some on Levi's Santa painting!
I'm loving the pics Sam, Faith and Levi have chosen and am so happy that they want a painting from me!! They chose a painting over $$!! What an honor!

I close tonight's journal entry with this gift from Debbie.
She has gidted me so many things over the years and I do believe this is my very favorite.

I love you, my dear friend! We have shared so many memories together over the years and I was so blessed to have this visit with you today!
Looking forward to our monthly visits!


photowannabe said...

Oh my dear...please be careful. So glad there aren't any broken bones. Love all the wonderful things your friends do for you. You are loved!!
Love you

Anonymous said...

Honey! I'm sorry you fell! Isn't it scary, especially at our age! I fell twice this week myself. I am fine, just a bit sore from pulling myself up! I'm glad you have friends to paint with, and Billy and Brenda are like good family! Counting our blessings, we have so many. You have your kids, your wonderful kids, and those wonderful grandkids! And Louis Dean! We have our son and Kristi, who bring us meals, (home cooked)and ready to heat and eat, who go with us to doctor visits and listenl! Aren't we both so blessed! Sending my love to you both. I look forward to your posts so much! Be careful!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am SO glad you did not really hurt yourself in the fall! God is truly looking after both of you. The Aleve was a great idea as it has lots of anti-inflammatory properties. I am always afraid of falling, and now with my foot problem usually use a walker around the house. And my doctor prescribed ME a very high dose of prescription Aleve for it!

Ann said...

Glad you were able to watch the band event. And it was nice that you had someone else to do the driving.
Oh no on the fall. I was worried you were going to say that you broke your wrist.

MadSnapper said...

I love the way Amber and Mike split the duties and have so much fun with their kids. glad you could go and watch the band and be safe and have a driver. I just can't do traffic anymore, I used to go anywhere I wanted to but now I need a driver. so happy the wrist did not break again and that you are safe.. the older we get the more we fall. the paintings are great and you are blessed with a friend who loves you and helped you get done with a few of your many projects.. hugs

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

What a week! Even 90's is way too hot for this northern. Glad you did not break anything in your fall and that your glasses were spared a horrible death.

Susie said...

Linda, I both of the quotes at the end of this post. So true. Friendships are true blessings. So good that you had a great time in that horrible heat. It's going to be high 70's here this week. Nice. The quads are almost grown how time flies . Stay safe and healthy. blessings, xoxo,love you guys, Susie

Estelle's said...

Oh how sorry I am that you is my worst fear..after taking a bad fall in downtown San Francisco a few years ago, I try to be very careful....take time to have a plethora of friends which is such a your posts as you know!

Changes in the wind said...

Falls are not good at our age but so glad you are just sore and not broken. Thank you for the sweet card.

Buttercup said...

Hope your wrist is okay. Falls are one of the parts of growing older that no one told us about. Enjoy seeing all of your artwork. Take care!

BeachGypsy said...

Dang I hate that you fell, Linda--- are you doing better? I'm ordering that linament today! The Band event looked fun, but that heat WAS BAD. I was a Band mom, lots of fun memories there! 😊 take care of yourselves! Hugs

Anonymous said...

You have so many friends because you are a great friend! Glad you’re okay, after falling! So happy, too, that LD and you were able to get to the band performance! Thank God for dear friends!!

Love you!
Deanna Rabe

Chatty Crone said...

It was wonderful they came and picked you up for the event. I am SO glad you did not really hurt yourself in the fall! God is looking after both of you. I fell myself two weeks ago - just getting better!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love the picture of you and Louis Dean under the umbrella.
You really are blessed with good friends and a loving family.
Glad you didn't break anything when you fell. (I am going to check out that liniment.)