Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A Happy Birthday to ME!!

 I am now 76 years old and I'm so very thankful for all my wonderful friends and family who celebrated with me on Tuesday!

Thank you ALL for the cards, texts, messages, gifts, emails and posts - and most of all for your LOVE!!

The day started out early as Louis Dean had a rough night and was itching all over and cold!
I was up a few times with him getting him a Benedryl and turning the AC off and such. I ended up sleeping in the guest room but woke early to check on him only to find him fully dressed and out on the driveway drinking coffee! I went back in to get my coffee and carried it out to sit for a while.
I had not even combed my hair or washed my face.

Our neighborhood has a lot of walkers in it and soon our 91 year old neighbor around the corner was out pushing her walker and came up the drive to visit with us. It was good to catch up and her mind is still razor sharp! She asked about the Bell grands and then asked if Harrison was still the smartest??
She remembers when he was 4 years old and they were about to leave after spending the day with us.
She was talking to him and he said, "I have three sisters but I am the SMARTEST!!!"
We had such a good time talking about this and that - each of us sharing some memories.

Just as she was getting up to leave, another neighbor from up the street walked up and came over to the table. Our first friend sat back down and we proceeded to visit another hour or so all together.
I love spontaneous gatherings like that - even though I looked awful!
Real friends don't care!

Brenda picked me up for thrifting and we found some good treasures.
It was such a busy day that I didn't get to take show and tell pics that day.

After Texas Thrift - where I ran into another dear friend - we headed to La Madeliene for lunch.
Earlier that morning Summer had wished me a happy birthday so I was surprised to SEE her walking towards me after we arrived! She had been there a good long time waiting for us and had told Brenda to not say a word. She hadn't but HAD I known I would have gone to lunch FIRST!

Summer lives in Arkansas and had driven up just  to surprise me!
What a thrill to my heart it was to spend some time together!
She took me home and visited a few minutes with LD and then headed back!
She will be 61 next month - we are only 15 years apart in age.

I did take pics of this black and white European cover I am using on our bed.

I love the layered look and I like a little weight on my feet and legs at night.


It's reversible and was only $3!
I will show and tell my other treasures tomorrow....except for the ones I bought for Christmas gifts.
You can find brand new things fro time to time. Last year I found LuLu Lemon pieces and have lots of things put away from thrifting all year. I believe I am just about done with my Christmas shopping.

Summer left and then it was n't too much later than Amber and the grands came over!

They came bearing gifts and a birthday cake - carrot cake - my FAVORITE!!

How fun was this????

The girls brought their instruments and played a mini concert for us!

Thet even played Happy Birthday for me!

I do not know WHY I didn't get my picture taken with them but I was just so excited I didn't think about it!


Tabitha and Samantha get a lot of attention and loving - whether they want it or not!

It was a VERY happy Birthday!

Look at this precious planter!!!
I am going to plant mondo grass in the top.
My only problem is I do not know who to thank!
It's such a lovely gift!

After all the excitement of the day - we were not quite ready to go to the ranch as we planned.
Louis Dean had an unexpected project repairing a gate so he had not loaded the truck with his tools and stuff.  This gave us a day to rest and recover.

The temp was in the 60's when we woke up this morning - not nearly as early as yesterday!
I had a to-do list - I ALWAYS have a to-do list - and I did things and circled others to do next week.

Louis Dean loaded his tools and all the laundry we had to take back down there.
Someday we will a washing machine and a clothesline so we don't have to carry our laundry back and forth.

Louis Dean and I were ready to take a break around 6:00 so I called Ilene to see if she would like to join us on the driveway for Happy Hour.

We had not visited with her in nearly a week or so.
She has always been such a goof friend to us and we love her like family!

White wines from New Zealand are my favorites!

Cheers from the Chapmans in Texas!!


Debby said...

You always have so much fun. Happy Birthday. What a wonderful family you have. Pure love.
I would have loved to have visited you at night. How fun is that? Makes me wonder who lurks around my neighborhood at night!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Linda! You sure are one busy lady! I love reading about all your adventures. Marlyn E.❤️🎉🎂

Jan said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday… am again spending the days around my birthday evacuated for hurricane…third year in a row. Hope we are lucky as before. Brenda

Anonymous said...


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY belated birthday! I am so glad you had such a good day! The bedspread is so unusual and kind of European looking!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!
What a fabulous birthday you had!

Summer and I share birthday month and year!

Anonymous said...

That comment was by me Deanna Rabe

Ann said...

Happy Birthday. So glad to hear you had a nice celebration.

Phoebes World said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Linda. It looks like you had a wonderful time...and its well deserved x

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I never realized until this week that you and I have birthdays SO close on the 24th and me on the 25th, but a couple of years apart! Happy Birthday to my almost birthday twin! It looks like you were celebrated quite wonderfully, with surprise visits and gifts and cake and a band concert in your honor! I loved watching it all and seeing the happy faces! You are truly blessed and I am blessed for knowing you. Maybe someday we will meet in person, if not here on earth, in heaven, where we will be eternally young and filled with such joy! Happy Birthday my friend. May God bless you and keep you always!!

Estelle's said...

Linda; it looks like you had a wonderful birthday celebration with family and friends...a delicious looking cake and delightful...and you look beautiful ..glad it was a great day for you!

Anonymous said...

Well, happy birthday to you, Miss Linda, and many, many more! You sure know how to celebrate with your loved ones!


MadSnapper said...

I have laughed, smiled, giggled all the way through your birthday post. I love every word and wish and gift. I even LOVE the planter. it's adorable. now I need to know why you don't know who gave it to you. what a super gift to have Summer appear unannounced.. wild clapping and many happy birthdays to you from me. Us Virgos must stick together.

Chatty Crone said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU AND MANY MORE. What a great way to celebrate a birthday! Good for you - I loved it all.

Changes in the wind said...

What a great day for a great lady....happy birthday!

Donna said...

Happy Birthday!

Carol said...

I can see that you had a wonderful birthday, Linda! I would like to wish you a very happy birthday and many more!

Donna said...

Awww...Happy Birthday and happy you had such a good time!!

BeachGypsy said...

🎂 🎂 🎂 🎂 🎂 🎂!!!! Happy belated birthday my Texas friend!-- looks like a great day, loved the fun pictures! Glad Summer came. She sure doesn't look in her 60s!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday🥳🎊. Jan

Anonymous said...

From DeeDee Clark: Why did I not know that Tuesday was your birthday? Happy belated!!!

Friend from Queens NY said...

Happy Birthday!

photowannabe said...

Happiest of birthdays to you just a bit belated.
I love all of your celebrations with friends and family.
You create such wonderful memories for all.
Love that summer surprised you too.

Tina said...

Looks like you had the happiest of birthdays with all those you love! So wonderful that Summer surprised you like that, the best presents our grown kids can give us is spending time with them! Hope you and Louis Dean have a great weekend!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

A slightly belated Happy Birthday!

Arlene G said...

So glad you had a Happy Birthday are such a joyful and encouraging person. I am so glad I met you through your blog.

NanaDiana said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR FRIEND. It is always so nice to see you celebrate things with your family and friends--even if it is just coffee with a neighbor to catch up on memories and make new ones.
I worry about LD, as I worry about my own hubby, knowing what they are going through. You and I are just 3 months apart in age. I will claim to be your "younger sister" if anyone asks. lol.
God bless you, Linda, as you walk this path with Louis Dean and live life to its fullest. xo Diana

Wanda said...

Oh Linda, so sorry I missed your birthday. It looks like you had a wonderful one. You are still a young chick and always look adorable, hair combed or not!! Friendship is so much more important than makeup. Enjoyed all the pictures, and it seems our life have finally settled down so I can post again. Your decorations are so festive. I finally got mine up!
Sending love and hugs and lots of birthday wishes.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated very Happy 🎂🎉 Birthday wishes to you, Linda, and it looks like you had a great day with a surprise visit from Summer, fun at the thrift store and then a carrot cake. Enhjoy your birthday year. Cheers to You🍷