Wednesday, August 16, 2023

A String of August Days.......

 It's still extremely HOT in Texas!!
We watched the early service Sunday morning and then drove over to Plano to watch the Bell girls at hockey. They were doing a 'level' exercise in preparation for the fall season.

We have been staying at home lately as it's dangerous to get out much in this heat.
But since we WERE out and about - we decided to go out to eat after seeing the Bells at Dickey's BBQ.

Back when the kids were younger, we used to eat at Dickey's nearly every Sunday after church.

Louis Dean told me we were getting 'dangerously low' on the Big Yellow Cups!

We drove right past Central Market on our way home and I so wanted to stop there.
I think I missed Hatch Chili Festival this year but the thought of parking and walking across hot pavement and then coming back out to the heat - it was just too much trouble.
So I came home and took a nap and Louis Dean watched the Cowboys preseason game I had recorded from Saturday night.

The foyer is now all clean and dressed up in her fall wardrobe.

I stepped out on the porch to take this pic as you enter the house.
Fall has all my favorite colors.

There is an Angel theme in the foyer and I have a special candle light from a dear friend which I love and it means a lot to me. 

She also gave me this special candle with a custom label on it.
I haven't burned it but I use it on a candle warmer so it will last longer.
Losing Nita was the hardest loss I have ever experienced and my friend lost her sister so we share a special bond.

I'm loving the preparation for September First....

One room at a time......

All my decorations have memories associated with them so it's like greeting old friends as I pull things from the tubs.

The foyer was pronounced DONE on Monday and I moved on to the living room on Tuesday.

But first Brenda and I met up at the thrift store for some Treasure Hunting.

God blesses us with such good finds!
I found a little bit of everything! From new canvasses to a book to candles to bowls to a pumpkin cup to a pair of mud boots and more.

This rug was less than $15 and it looks so good in the kitchen!

$4 for this cushy one for the laundry room.

This will be put up for next spring.

My best finds were the candles!!!
SO fragrant!!!

And this cup!

Louis Dean will use these as his 'cereal bowls.'

A great pair of mud boots for the ranch for just $0.99!!!

Well, by the time I got home it was in the heat of the day so I unloaded all my 'debris' onto the table on the driveway and I came in and took a nap!

There's shade on the kitchen side deck in the mornings and then there's shade on the driveway after 4:00.

Louis Dean and I were sitting out there with a glass of tea when his cane was delivered.

He seems to like it!!
But he REALLY likes that box!!

He is so cute!

I told him that IF he would use his cane - not all the time but when we are out and about and walking across parking lots especially - that I wouldn't schedule the physical therapy appointments that would teach him exercises on balance as well as how to use the cane.

He promised!

Today we had our last doctor appointment - that is unless I have to schedule PT!
But guess what? 
I forgot to put the cane in the car for him to use!
So much to remember from appointments to picking up Rx to giving him his medicine and reminding him to DRINK MORE WATER and the list goes on!

Still - he was pretty happy to be DONE with all the doctors for 6 months when we will start it all over again.
The good news is he is stable and there's no change in his health.
Praise God!

A friend posted this on Facebook!
I am trying to find the silver lining in this summer heat and I did come up with a blessing.
It's not SAFE to be outside so we aren't going places as much as we were doing..
That means we are staying in and at home and that's a blessing.
Louis Dean does so much better when we are 'home alone.'


  1. You always find something good about everything! My favorites are the zebra boots, they are too cool!

  2. The candles are such a find! You got quite a few it looks like. They are quite a pretty penny these days. The one from your friend is the best. Lots of good finds.

    Glad you got done with the doctor visits. Being home, just the two of you, sounds very nice to me. Of course, the ice cream cones looked pretty good, though, too. LOL!

  3. SO many fun things on your post! Love the decorations.
    Glad you both are finished with Dr appointment for a while...gets old, quick!
    Stay cool up there~

  4. Linda, I think Snoopy has it right. Can't wait for things to fall into your lap...gotta make things happen. LD looks very happy in the photos. Looking so pretty at your house. Blessings, xoxo, Love, Susie

  5. Love the new sunflower header and what a full day you had......

  6. That last quote with Snoopy is so true. Don't wait for things to get better...just enjoy each day to the fullest while you can. I am learning that and living it as well. I enjoyed all of your pictures and the happy smiles of both of you. Fall has to be on the's a tad cooler here this morning so I will enjoy it while it lasts. Thank you for sharing your lovely home and family with us. Such a delightful place to be!

  7. You've inspired me to start putting out a few fall things and to get excited about the coming fall season! I decided that even if it's 110 on September 1st, it will still be September 1st and I will celebrate it! (Plus our son and our 4 Lubbock grands will be coming in on the 1st for the Labor Day weekend, so that will definitely something to celebrate!)

  8. the house looks great, fall is chuck and mine's favorite season!! i don't like summer anymore, i really don't function well in the heat. even with the pool, the heat on my head heats up my entire body, the pool water is very warm!!

    i saw a picture of mud boots used as a planter and it was so cute.

    and your ld is adorable, i love reading about both of you!!

  9. Your boots will look great at the ranch. Great candles too!

    I love seeing your fall decor!

    You have a special life, and you make life special for the people around you!

  10. You are so good at 'making things beautiful'! An inspiration.

    Stay cool over there! We are in a crazy heat wave over here in western Canada as well, and the wild fires are relentless.

    Great be happy before you run out of time.

  11. I just love how you make the very best of every situation.
    Glad you are staying close to home for both of your sakes.
    This lets LD do what he loves to do...putter...
    Fall is beautiful at your home and your thriftings are fabulous. Boots for 99 now that's a win/win.

  12. Love your are quite the historian. So glad you get to stay home for your sweet husband. As to your buys with your friend, you buy more in one day than I buy all year...amazing amazing...amazing...I always are darling. (brenda) P.S. I must add here that I used to be a shopper back in the day...not anymore. Also, the heat here in Florida on the Gulf is unbelievable, but I pay no attention as this is Florida.

  13. Linda - you are an inspiration.. sending you cool thoughts for when things get a bit much. Cheers
