Monday, April 17, 2023

It's Been a Busy Few Days!!

Friday was Day #2 of the great 'Setting up the Book Fair!'
Thanks to our super special librarian, Paige, we were able to completely finish!!
The balloon arch and columns took a lot of time and talent and Paige was generous with both. 

I took this photo less than an hour before the Teacher Preview Party and they had it all done by the time they arrived!

Done and DONE!!!

Amber had put out quite a spread of finger foods......

...and  several different flavors of scones.

It was fun like a PaRtY!!!

It felt like we were all browsing in a colorful children's bookstore!

We love this super sweet and super cute teacher!
She was kind enough to pose for me!
Love that she is wearing island style things for the book fair this week.

All the teachers were given Wish Lists to fill out for their classroom libraries.
Parents are given the opportunity to purchase books from the wish list for their child's teacher.

Once you have filled a teacher's wish - you get to put a book plate sticker inside the book and then your name is entered in a drawing for the gift baskets Amber has put together.
She has thought of everything and that makes the whole book fair experience so much FUN for everyone!!!

I dearly LOVE this photo and do you know why?
It shows how much the teachers are enjoying themselves and that's the whole point!

I love how festive the checkout table looks!!

This table of  'novelties'  will not ALL be on display as we encourage the students to buy BOOKS first and then perhaps a novelty item.
The fourth grade teachers specifically requested we remove most of this when their classes come in to preview or 'window shop.'

A  few years ago, the Scholastic people sent a selection of books for the parents, 
then not any for the last couple of years so it was a pleasure to put these out!
Some of these are NOT the usual!!

I was surprised at how many children looked at these and said, "My mom and I could cook together!"
And they put that on THEIR wish list!

When I left the school on Friday night I was SO tired I could cry!
I thought I was on my feet a lot in my normal life.....but standing on my feet for 7 hours or so for two days really did me in!

I came home and rested a bit before Son Dean arrived to spend the night.
He had been to a karate event and we had the nicest evening.

We took our wine and walked around the corner to take a tour of our gardening neighbor, Tamara.

She has the same floor plan as we do and yet our homes are creatively different.
While my back yard still resembles a junk yard - hers is a work of amazing gardens!
See the red stones in the strawberry pot?
Tamara paints them so the birds who come thinking they are strawberries will be discouraged.
Then when the REAL strawberries show up - they will not bother them!

Saturday was a gathering for Sherry's family and we were blessed to be included.

We met at Crystal and Jimmy's beautiful home and she had an amazing Charcuterie board to start us all off! SO good!!!
Sherry's parents, siblings and nieces and nephews and their spouses were all there and what a beautiful day it was!

I took a few photos but forgot to get people!
Sherry is a pretty private person so I assume her family feels the same way.

Crystal is a gifted gardener and decorator......

She has some interesting plants!

I loved every minute of being there on Saturday.

They have an acre and it is ALL beautifully landscaped.

They have a beautiful home and grounds......

Something cool to look at where ever your eyes turn!

Exotic flowers....

a beautiful pool.....

and a hammock!
After a delicious meal of brisket, smoked turkey, pork loin, mac and cheese, green bean casserole, cinnamon carrots, potato salad, rolls and more - I was more than ready for a nap!

My view!

I was so relaxed and full of good food that I struggled to stay awake on the drive home.
I went straight to bed and napped for 3 hours before getting up for a couple of hours and then went back to bed!

Sunday morning I was up baking chocolate chip cookies to take to Fort Worth.

I spent the afternoon and evening with Nita's Mike.
He fell off a ladder at work last week and was taken to the hospital with multiple broken bones, and was transferred to Encompass Rehabilitation in Fort Worth on Saturday morning.

I watched the 9:30 service at Fellowship Church online before getting dressed and driving over to spent the afternoon with Mike.
Summer arrived from Arkansas before I left so she stayed with Louis Dean while I was gone for the day.

I was parking right next to Mike's best friend, Gary, as he was preparing to leave.
I honked a couple of times and then got out and called to him!
Gary has been a family friend for decades and we all love him.
He finally saw me as I got out of the car and we hugged and he introduced me to his wife, Tammy.
I did not know he had married and after we had hugged and talked a bit, she asked me (rather on the cool side), "and who are YOU?"
I looked from her to Gary and back to Tammy and then back to Gary - when I asked him, "Have you not told her about ME??" Then I turned to Tammy and said, "I can't believe he hasn't told you about us! We have been best friends for ages and even dated for years!!!"
You should have seen Gary's face before he dissolved into laughter and hugged me again!!!
Tammy was such a good sport.
 Gary told her I was Nita's sister and that changed everything!
"So YOU are Nita's sister!!!!I know you from Facebook!"
We are all good now and Tammy is a classy lady and I am so happy Gary has found her!

I enjoyed my visit with Mike wanting to see him for myself.
I gave a special bag of cookies to his favorite nurse along with a container for the nurses station to share.

Nita has gone on to heaven but Mike is still here and a very important part of the family.

I visited with him and then went out to do some shopping for snacks and such.
Mike is in a lot of pain and has broken bones with metal plates in his arm and femur and a broken leg and then he has an injured left shoulder from a previous fall.
So getting in and out of bed is extremely painful!
Prayers for Mike will be much appreciated.
We love him and even with this injury, I know that God has a plan and "all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose."

When I visited with Mike on Sunday evening, he gave me permission to share this update here in my journal entry.
Mike has only two living blood relatives - a sister and mother - but he also has US!!
And he has YOU!

Mike will recover - but it's going to be a long journey.
In case you would like to send him a word of encouragement - his address is:

Mike Talley
C/O Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital
6701 Oakmont Blvd.
Room #229
Fort Worth, Texas 76132

You have GOT this, Mike!!
Prayers for strength as you do the work you need to do to recover!!


  1. Mike is so blessed to have you and your family, plus he IS your family! Amber never ceases to amaze me with all of her talents. This was a book PARTY! Pass me one of those cookies thru the screen while I go and get some milk...

  2. What a nice goody bag for poor Mike. I will be praying for his quick healing. I know he is surly glad to have you for family!
    What a beautiful place Crystal has. Wow! Now please rest some this week , or when you go to the ranch!love,Trudy

  3. Oh Linda! Poor Mike...I don't think ladders like him! Hopefully, he'll be up and about soon.
    You look like you were having a fine rest by the pool...and those cookies looked delicious.
    Would have loved to watch Tammy's face as you two were joking around. Glad she's a good sport!
    Love all the book fair photos...and all the goodies.

  4. I'll definitely pray for Mike and send a card! He needs that encouragement! You are a blessing.

  5. So sorry for Mike's troubles...such a lot of pain to endure. May God heal him and bless him.

    You're a quick wit where the friend's new wife was concerned. She deserved it. Glad that she overcame.

    The book sale was a party! Hope that it was very successful.

  6. We never had any such thing as a book fair when I was a child--- oh how I would've loved that!!-- loved books all my life and read early. Y'all sure did it up GREAT!!-- very fun and festive. Books are SO IMPORTANT for kids! Hope Mike heals and recovers quickly-- dang he took a bad fall. Loved the garden/yard pictures-- she has that bright BLUE flower--- I forget what it's called but it's GORGEOUS! Love those!-- not sure they would grow here? Delphinium maybe??? Hugs!!!

  7. Thoughts to Mike. And props for supporting books... Cheers

  8. Boy, I want to be you when I grow up. You do such amazing things for so many.
    That Book Fair is beyond any thing I have ever seen. Teachers wish lists is too wonderful.
    Your cookies look to die for!!

  9. Sorry to read about Mike's accident and while his injuries sounded awful from your description, Linda, he will be in many people's prayers for a full recovery. That book fair certainly looked amazing and nothing like that was even held in the parochial school I attended, but of course that was SO many years ago! The spread and grounds at your friend's home looked wonderful as did you in that hammock.
