Friday, February 17, 2023

Midnight Ice Cream and Louis Dean's Truck is BACK!!!!

 The truck has been in the shop all week and Louis Dean has been so anxious about it!

That's probably NOT the reason he was up in the middle of the night scarfing up some Blue Bell Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream. No, that's just what he does! 
And who am I to judge?
He really and truly doesn't go off the deep end with it.
At least I don't think he does!

We have been having a quiet time this February week.
Since the truck has been in the shop we have been home doing what we can.
He has been playing music and 'organizing' his music room.
That means he's moving things from one place to another and then back again.

I've been reading and watching movies ....

What a testimony Francine Rivers has and she has written so many great books since she accepted the Lord as her Savior. ALL of her books are excellent!

And the Crickets Dance and Anne With an E and a few others.....I'm loving the firestick Summer gave me and the links that she and Amber have provided. At long last I have finally figured out how to use this thanks to Jesse programming  Internet extenders for me that reach out to the den.

I had a video appointment with my primary care doctor on Thursday and she asked me how I was doing with taking care of myself as I am now caretaker of my husband.
I am continuing my Zoloft medication for now,
I think it is helping me stay 'level' and that's a good thing.

I have a great support system with friends and family as well as my art,  sewing, prayer time and  projects. I am never bored and neither is Louis Dean.
There is always something to do from routine housework to decorating to repairs and on and on.

I have to say that the truck has been in the shop for a week and Louis Dean has missed it terribly!
 Turns out there was a total of FOUR leaks!
It is an older truck - a  2001 Dodge Diesel Ram 3500 bought in 2000 right after his beloved Ellen died and he has put over 300,00 miles on it.
It has every right to need a little repair.

Charles at Midas Muffler has been such a blessing to us!
It's been a complicated repair and a couple of parts have been hard to find but he did it and without it costing us a fortune!!

Louis Dean was so happy to go up there this afternoon and pick his truck up!

What a blessing to have a good honest mechanic!
I owe him a really good cake or a big batch of cookies!
He asked us to bring the truck back in a couple of weeks so he can check for leaks - 
and I will for sure be taking him some goodies.
Praising God for leading us to Midas Muffler!
Who knew they did so much more than mere mufflers??

Now we can go down to the ranch for a few days! We meant to be there much earlier this month!

God's timing is always perfect!
I'm so excited to get down there....Sherry and I plan to check on our bees this Sunday!
AND we will be there for the bee meeting on Tuesday.
It's a pot luck dinner and will be so much fun!

Tonight I baked some cookies and pretty much finished the quilt top for my Kansas City grand niece.

I just have the border to sew and maybe a few more embellishments.
That fusible batting apparently doesn't work with denim - but I did learn the value of pressing the quilt top /batting/backing together - so still a win! WIN!!


  1. You are amazing! You so well! Love the quilt. Enjoy your trip to the farm. Love to all. Joni

  2. you really are such a sweet couple!! the quilt is beautiful and unique, just like you!!

    it is difficult to be without your means of transportation, a man needs his truck!!

  3. It is so heartwarming to see Louis Dean this happy and excited to get his truck back, and in great working condition. I love your quilt! Original and so pretty. We have the equivalent of your Firestick...a Roku. and got hooked on streaming. We especially love Britbox with all the lovely British detective shows with the beautiful scenery. Amazon Prime also has so many great shows.

  4. Glad Louis Dean got his truck back. He looked so happy. When I was reading that he was getting his truck back I said to myself "I wonder what kind of dessert she made for the workers." LOL Your doctor is right, you need to take care of yourself as well as Louis Dean. Your health is important too. Enjoy your time at the ranch.

  5. Oh Linda! The weather should be great for your trip to the ranch! 70's and 80!! Have a Ball!
    I'm so happy LD got his truck back! I'm sure he missed it.
    I Love the create so many pretty things!
    Have fun!

  6. So glad that Charles at Midas Muffler came through big time! You'll take him something wonderful to eat when you return in a few weeks. You're that kind of a friend. The video clip of Louis Dean proves that he is thrilled to have the truck back. I am going to listen again to hear the rhyme he recited.

    The quilt looks darling. Looks as if everything is lining up for a wonderful week ahead. 😁

  7. I love the quilt and I love that you are always making and giving these as gifts. They will be treasured by those you love forever. I am sure that LD is super excited that his truck is back and that means another trip to the ranch!

  8. I'm so glad the truck made it back in good working order! So nice to have people you can trust to do things right! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. I guess my comments aren't working...again. maybe it went into spam?!!

  10. I like Francine Rivers books too. You introduced me (Leota's Garden) - that you gifted me! Thank you! I also really like Pamela Kelley. She has a series of 9 novels "Beach Plum Cove" novels that I especially enjoy, about life on Nantucket with a family who open a B & B. She has many others, too. They are clean, no bad words, etc. Have a good day!

  11. Glad you got your truck back and are going to the farm and checking on your bees!

  12. Even in your "down times" and rest and quiet times you are busy and just keep plugging along.
    So happy the truck is back home under Louis Dean's care again.
    Love the quilt and know the baby will treasure it.
    Enjoy your time at the ranch and especially the BeeKeepers meeting. Hope your bees are doing well.

  13. Good Morning Linda. I can't believe how our lives paralel in so many ways. I feel like I am a kindred spirit and understand many of your feelings and enjoy so many of the things you like and do. Love Francine Rivers and have read all her books! Redeeming Love has a new cover I see! She has a triology but for the life of me I can't remember the title, but I loved those three books.

    Louis Dean and my dearest are such treasures aren't they? I love my life with my darling as you do. To care for them is an honor and priviledge. I love this season of our lives, with all the bumps and detours in the road of life.
    Linda your blog inspires so many, and I am one of them!!
    Give that big man of yours a hug from us!! Love and Hugs

  14. Your posts are so uplifting even in accounts of difficult circumstances that you and Louis Dean face. My dear husband has been my caregiver since I had a hemorrhagic stroke in 1911. He keeps us engaged in travel, church, and connections with friends and family. Oh, and he is also a great cook! Bless you.

  15. Linda, Tell LD I am doing a happy dance for him getting his truck back and hopefully fixed 100 %. Yahoo. I remember when Ted and I were dropping off mail at the PO drop box, and his truck turned over to 300,000 miles ,he had me get a picture. LOL Men and their trucks gotta love them. Beautiful blanket. What sweet gifts you make. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo,Susie

  16. Hi Linda. So glad to hear that LD got his truck back. I am glad that you will now be able to go to the ranch for a while. You both seem to enjoy that. I think I will see if our library has any books by Francine Rivers. So glad that you are practicing self-care. Have a good Sunday. See you again soon!

  17. How wonderful Louis Dean has his truck back and now you are able to get out and about. I know that must be a good feeling. As far as Blue Bell Ice Cream, I take it any time of day or night, even the middle of the night. The quilt is so cute, it will be a great gift for your niece to enjoy.

  18. We don't have Blue Bell ice-cream over here, but I'm sure it is worth getting up for at midnight! Glad LD got his truck back. Love the quilt!
