Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Slow Quiet Days....

'Quiet' seems to describe most of  my December days this year and I am so good with that.

Brenda picked me up on Tuesday afternoon - she gets off early on Tuesdays - and we went to Southlake to finish up our Christmas shopping.
Nordstrom Rack, Chicos, and Trader Joe's.
Did you know Wendy's has really GOOD Strawberry Tea?
I did not know that - but Brenda did!

I have been working on the new Christmas stockings for this year....
each one is a bit different and I only have 10 more to go!
I may be up late tonight!

This evening I made up a batch of fruitcake cookie dough and will start baking it all up in the morning.

I had this extra lighted wreath and noticed it today so I put it in the flower bed across from the kitchen deck so I can see it.
Tomorrow I will add some white lights out here.

Today has been an exceptionally slow and quiet one. More so than normal.
I went to bed early last night and got up at 9:00 this morning - thanks to spam phone calls - two in a row! Louis Dean had prepared my coffee for me after I went to bed so all I had to do was turn it on.
I took my first cup out and walked around the front yard and took my second cup out to the kitchen deck. I love my mornings. Since Louis Dean slept in - he was up during the night and since he couldn't sleep - he worked on his music - so I had some quality quiet time to do my praying and reading and devotions. 

I cooked some bacon and heated up  the extra pancakes I made the other day and then I went back to bed around 1:00.....I'm not sick and not especially tired...maybe a touch blue ...or two touches, .I just wanted to go to bed. So I did. It's a beautiful thing to be able to go to bed any time you want to!
I read and played Words With Friends and napped and then read some more.
I finally got up at 4:00 and started my day.

I made easy sandwiches for supper tonight - we usually just eat two meals a day.
Louis Dean is watching Spectrum 1 news while I write then we will be taking a glass of wine and going out to the gazebo.

I'm going to put the lights on the tree out there and decorate it and then I will be done!
Except for the extra lights I plan to put up in the front yard this weekend and the white ones in the back tomorrow.

The plumber is coming tomorrow!!! Louis Dean will finally get his bathroom back!
And Son Jesse is coming in the afternoon as is Summer. 
Family and friends are such a comfort to me this year .....and that's all I'm going to say about that.

"Every sorrow is different. But you get through them the same way. Plenty of rest, good food, and keeping your family and friends close by." She paused a minute.
"A lot of prayer doesn't hurt either."

Shannon Hitchcock


  1. You really know how to create such a welcoming festive and inviting atmosphere, Linda! Your artistic talents shine! Just like all of your lights! I love them all! After looking at your's a few days ago I was so inspired that I decided to decorate all over the place with lights too. I got sidetracked and lost all my motivation by the time I finished reading a couple of blogs. So I made coffee and got a cookie. ha ha!

    Hugs and special prayers for you during this Christmastime, Linda. My first Christmas without my sister, I could see her celebrating Jesus' birthday with Him and so many others and it made me smile and feel so happy, knowing she was in His presence getting to do that. It was like I could feel all that love too. :) God bless you!

  2. Your words at the end of your post made me think about how the prophet Elijah was exhausted and God had him rest, sleep and eat until he’d recovered. We get emotionally exhausted sometimes. You give yourself permission to rest and that is very good.

    I’m glad your kids will be coming by the house, and I know you’ll enjoy your time together.

  3. I love your big buffalo plaid stockings!

  4. Yes, rest...take time for yourself. With all you do for everyone else you need quiet time!!!

  5. I am thinking of you Linda...there is something about the Christmas season that causes many of us to reflect on the past and those loved ones that are no longer with us....we want to celebrate those warm memories we had with them....warm hugs and indeed, it is a pleasure to go to bed anytime we want to!

  6. Hi Linda. I am glad that you are having the time to live life the way that is best for you right now. Self-care is so important when times are tough. I got your lovely Christmas card yesterday and the best part is the kind personal note you tucked inside. What a sweet Christmas card it was! I now hangs on the back of my front door with cards from all of our treasured friends and family. I hope that you and Louis Dean have a wonderful day. See you again soon!

  7. My friend, Linda, and I spent Wednesday mornings together before I moved. We enjoyed Wendy’s free senior drinks with our meals. We had fries..she had chicken. I had cheeseburger and all the trimmings but no meat.. kind people there…we miss those times. Now we send each other cards from. Dollar Tree every Wednesday. She is one of my five text prayer group.

  8. are an encouragement to me with how much you get done and how well you love people and show it!!

  9. I'm glad you have family close by...I know they are such a comfort. And you always make yummy comfort food. I love the stockings. AND I got my card yesterday. Thank you so much for taking the time to write me words of comfort. My Mother passed away a couple of weeks ago and I've been very sad. Lots of hugs to you both, Diane in Florida

  10. Oh that's some of the best advice ever! You are helping so many people, Linda, myself included. Yay that Summer and Jesse will be visiting at the same time. That will make a party!

    Yay for the plumber coming! Louis Dean will so love having his bathroom back.

  11. "A lot of prayer doesn't hurt either."

    Amen 💙

  12. I am glad you were able to have a 'lazy' day. That feels good to be able to do that sometimes. I sure wish I could nap during the day but I just can't no matter how tired I am. If I should happen to fall asleep (rare) I wake up groggy and sick feeling.

    I know it has been a year for you and you are in my prayers. Thank God for close friends and family to help us get through those days when we need them. xo Diana

  13. Yes and amen on your final quote.
    Linda, I am so glad you are taking some "ME" time. That's the perfect medicine, rest and being with the ones you love. You know, the world will not stop spinning if you aren't able to get every light out and every bit of debris in place.
    I'm finding that this's okay!
    That's all I will say on that..
    Happy to hear that Louis Dean gets his bathroom back.
    Love the look of the gazebo too.
    Happy Thankful Thursday

  14. Thanks for sharing your thoughtful and lovely Christmas season routines and joys. "You get so much accomplished and still integrate time to recharge and spend time with the Lord!

  15. I love the way you just do what feels good at the time. You are not hurting anyone and making yourself feel better. I think that is good. So why all those stockings? That is a lot!

  16. Sometimes just going back to bed is exactly what we need to do. Thankfully we are no longer employed and have to punch a time clock anywhere, so if our bodies say sleep, then please, just sleep. I am trying to learn that. We are so time conscious here...hubby has a "schedule" in his mind that has to be kept at all cost. I finally convinced him today that we could actually go out and do our shopping in the afternoon and the world wouldn't come to an end. He's a morning person, but it was pouring down rain this morning and I had tummy issues, and just needed that extra time. The sun came out after lunch and off we went (after a short nap). It was perfect. Although I didn't get all my shopping done, but still... Love your gazebo. It must be a lovely place year round to relax. Thinking of you and yes, praying too. God is with you. Always.

  17. What you call quiet would be full on for many of us! Cheers

  18. Dear Linda, it seems our lives mirror in so many ways. We have been enjoying "slow days" here too. Don is doing so much better, but at 124 lbs is very fragile. Very careful he doesn't fall. For sure there would be something broke. We also love our devotion and prayer time. we are reading the Puritan Prayers, call Valley of Vision. Also David Jeremiah daily Devotions, plus our own Bible studies. Our Women's Bible Study is taking a break until the middle of January.
    Your fruitcake cookies look so good. I sure you have posted the recipe, but I can't seem to find it. Could you send it to me, or post it again.
    I love naps in the middle of the day....and love reading too. Sending youand Louis Dean many wishes for joyful and calm days of Christmas Time.

  19. awwww linda, this christmas is going to be a difficult one...i know you miss your sister!! quiet days and extra rest are often good for the soul!!

    grief is a universal experience, it is a deeply felt emotion & unique to each of us. Sending some hugs.
